Cory Booker Campaign is “Living on a Prayer” – IOTW Report

Cory Booker Campaign is “Living on a Prayer”

Daily Caller

Singer Jon Bon Jovi is supporting Sen. Cory Booker as the New Jersey Democrat tries to keep his campaign afloat in a crowded Democratic field.

Booker is “the right leader for this moment,” Jovi said in a press statement Saturday, referring to what he believes is Booker’s ability to bring people together. The 1980s rocker did not mention President Donald Trump’s name, preferring instead to burnish Booker’s skill set. More

13 Comments on Cory Booker Campaign is “Living on a Prayer”

  1. “Booker is “the right leader for this moment”

    Sure, instantaneously, while all the Democrat ships pass each other in the night…

    in the fog…

    headed for a reef…

    with no fog horns…

    and no running lights…

    and with mentally-ill skippers…

    who are bombed out their minds…

    while their sick passengers party on with booze and drugs…

    to the music of their Totalitarian Band.

  2. The real Spartacus was a man of action. A man that Rome feared. Spartacus never asked for donations. Cory Booker is not having a Spartacus moment here with Bon Jovi endorsing him as the “right leader for this moment.” Evidently, that moment in time was a very short moment in time. Sort of like a nanomoment. But the really great news is that all the nation is awaiting Bon Jovi’s next endorsement. Please let it be for President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton. That should push her out of her van.


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