Cory Booker Doesn’t Know About His Campaign’s Attacks On Candidates – IOTW Report

Cory Booker Doesn’t Know About His Campaign’s Attacks On Candidates

WFB: Presidential hopeful Sen. Cory Booker (D., N.J.) said he doesn’t know about his campaign taking “swipes” at other candidates after his campaign sent out a fundraising email attacking fellow contender former representative John Delaney (D., Md.).

CNN host John King criticized Booker on a Tuesday segment of CNN’s Inside Politics, pointing out that Booker, unlike other candidates trying to raise money by attacking President Donald Trump, is instead going after Delaney, another former businessman who has self-funded much of his own campaign.

“Friend, this weekend, we found out that one of the other Democrats in this race has given over $11 million of his own money to his campaign. Self-funding is something Cory just can’t and would never do,” the email read.

The Delaney campaign responded with this statement: “If I had Booker’s numbers, I’d go negative too.”

King then played a clip of Booker responding to the Delaney campaign in a shaky video.  more

6 Comments on Cory Booker Doesn’t Know About His Campaign’s Attacks On Candidates

  1. One time, Me and T-Bone went Camping…We were poor, and only

    had one Sleeping Bag….Every night We’d climb in the Bag…and

    T-Bone would say

    “Hey Cory, can i stick My finger in Your Belly Button?

    I said “Why sure T-Bone”

    This went on for about three Nights in a row..and finally on

    the fourth Night, He asked to do it one more time.

    I flinched and yelled

    “That ain’t My Belly Button !!!!!!!”

    T-Bone said “It’s OK…Dat ain’t My Finger !!!!!!”

  2. Shark Eye Booker has got to be the least effective of the men running for the nomination. He can take some perverse pride in knowing that he’s doing better than several of the white women, but every time a new white candidate like Beto or the Buttplugger announces that he’s going to save the country from Trump, he loses ground. I’m hoping that the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg will give him another opportunity to have one of those Spartacus moments. Not because I think it will do him any good, but I’m hoping that Trump gets to nominate another Supreme Court Justice.


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