Cotton Bawls – IOTW Report

Cotton Bawls

ht/ Wisco Dave

People’s offense, particularly black people’s, entertains me. I enjoy it.

And when a leftist douchebag apologizes on “white people’s” behalf, I am offended.

I don’t apologize for anything. My response to “I’m offended” is, “duly noted, fucktard.”

32 Comments on Cotton Bawls

  1. “…we had the impression the we were coming to speak about how us as Black people feel about Lipscomb.”

    Solipsistic much, kids?

    Grievance-mongering: A+

    Grammar mastery: F

  2. To continue with the Grammar mastery:
    “it isnt inherently bad if were all wearing it”
    I honestly had to read that sentence 3 times to understand what the hell she/he was saying.
    Someone complained about Hobby Lobby displaying cotton in a vase and that it was racist. That seems to be a decorating trend that I have noticed but I will bet it won’t last long. So as the President Lipscomb said–we do wear it, so everyone stop.

  3. If not for that cotton centerpiece this student would be lucky to be cooking monkey meat on an elephant dung fire in her mud hut. But saying that would be racially insensitive.

  4. “He finally got to our table and my friend @kay-cyann asked why there was cotton on the table as the center piece?”

    Well if it weren’t for cotton I’d guess many of you wouldn’t be here tonight.

  5. Why is the president of the school inviting groups of students to dinner based on the color of their skin or ethnicity? Is he going to have all the rump rangers over next?

  6. Again from the perpetually traumatized crowd. Upset by a table arrangement and that there is no free money. Seems a bit odd they expect so much from society but they themselves don’t contribute anything. These people need to lower their expectations a notch or two.

  7. My lightbulb moment: I was recently in Helena, Arkansas – the first place in the country where slaves were emancipated (by order of a victorious Northern general before Lincoln’s proclamation) and visited one of the many state paid for museums honoring slaves in that town.

    As I looked at pictures of slaves picking cotton I asked the museum official how long the cotton harvest lasted. “3 weeks” he replied. I asked how many cotton harvests there were each year. “Just one” he replied obviously taken aback by my ignorance of such things. I then asked what other crops were grown on a plantation. “Just cotton” was the reply.

    So, I blurted out much to my surprise, “The slaves were fed, housed, clothed, medical needs cared for from cradle to grave but they only had to work 3 weeks per year?” The museum official turned away from this insensitive racist in disgust without answering.

    Mull this over. No wonder slaves didn’t rise up and kill the white families in their sleep (I always wondered about that).

    Factory workers in the north worked 12 hour days, 6 days per week all year long with no housing, clothing, medical care or food and no one to take care of their babies while they worked or them when they became sick or elderly.

  8. Little Miss Entitlement britches. I just looked it up (had to): Lipscomb is a private, “faith-based” skoo. If she’s looking for freebies she shoulda applied to the (too) many public colleges in TN.

  9. Oh, Page, just my trying to set the record straight: The war against slavery was fought by Republicans (north and south) against Democrats (north and south). I only add this fact because most people believe it was a fight against both D and R slaveholders, but there were zero (0) Republican slaveholders. Northern Abolitionists were the equivalent of today’s Progressive Virtue Signalers. They made a lot of noise but accomplished nothing.

  10. Can’t have roses because Roses are a symbol of bartering for sex and are representative of rape culture.
    Tulips are out, because of the racist Dutch East India company and their unfair trade practices
    Magnolias are out because of the obvious racial overtones
    Daisies are out because of Doris Day and her Racist Blonde participation 60’s era white hegemony
    Eucalyptus sprigs are out because of the Racist English treatment of Aboriginal peoples in Australia
    Pine needles are out because of Georgia Pines, which supplied the racist southerners with wood they used to subjugate blacks
    Pine cones are out because Pinon nuts are what Whitey made the Indians eat as they subjugated them
    Crocuses are out because they come from Africa and that would be pandering
    Apricot blossoms are out because of the Ape reference
    Rocks are out because Pet Rocks are a symbol of Capitalist Oppression
    A handful of Dirt is out because that’s what cotton is grown in and represents Slavery
    A glass vase with colored glass beads is out because is out because they represent the stealing of Manhattan for a few baubles, and for the word Colored which is racist.
    The table cloth is out because it is made with the fabric of Slavery
    The table is out because it is a White-o-centric invention and oppresses cultures that did not invent it
    Plates are out because porcelain is a white invention and made by German Nazis
    Food is out if the event is held for Blacks, because it is either racist because it is pandering to serve food Blacks like, or racist if it isn’t food Blacks like.
    Going over someone’s house is out because it was built on stolen land and thus is racist.

  11. Wait, what were the latino centerpieces? Colored corn stalks? LOL.
    It was a get together at someone’s house. Obviously, you aren’t going to have 100 chairs in the dining room. Come on, no one ever sat on the edge of a couch with a paper plate on their lap before? No one ever had to lean up against a counter before? The horror!

  12. Page O Turner, You presented a logical fallacy. Harvesting is not the only work that goes into any crop.

    He was, likely, disgusted at such a purely ignorant thing to say. You just disrespected all farmers by belittling it so.

    You forgot plowing, seeding, weeding and pest control. All without modern machinery and chemicals.

    To suggest there was only 3 weeks of work on a cotton plantation is offensive all by itself. Racism not needed. What do you think a modern farmer’s reaction would be to the same statement about any harvested-once-a-year crop he/she grew? “Yeah, You’re right! I do nothing for 48 weeks a year.”? The idea is so clueless it doesn’t deserve being treated as serious.

  13. @Anonymous – your willful ignorance and unquestioning approach to propaganda gives you away.

    Ok, so let’s say it takes 1 week to plunk the cotton seeds in the same rows that were plowed the year before and the year before that and the year before that going back 50 or so years.

    They didn’t have pesticides so no need to spray. The only fertilizer was manure – how many times was it applied and when?

    Weeding once a week for a few hours? OK. They had to weed but not during the non-growing seasons.

    As for modern farmers – they grow many more crops and have many more harvests than just cotton. They are also far more productive because of their use fertilizer, pesticides and automated watering – things not done in the 1800’s.

    You make the common indoctrinated mistake of viewing past events using today’s filter. Do you also think that the plantation owners watched what was going on in the fields from their air-conditioned houses as they watched TV and ordered pizza? Or maybe they watched remotely via internet from their beach homes which they rode to in SUV’s? Do you think the white farmers who lived next door to the plantations but were too poor to afford slaves (96% of white southerners) had it any easier? Why do you not lament the hardship of their lives? They not only faced the same farming requirements but they had to compete with the price of cotton produced with “free labor”.

    Life was tough for everyone but today’s narrative puts all the hardship on one group as if the rest of the nation got a free pass on their backs.

    I notice you had nothing to say about the Northern employees who were fired if they or their children got sick and they missed work? Who fed them? Clothed them? Provided housing for them?

    You would do well to read Frederick Law Olmsted’s “A Journey in the Eastern Seaboard” where he recounts Irish immigrants hired to drain the southern swamps so railroads could be built. He asks the overseer why they pay the Irish when they have free slave labor that can do the job. He’s told that the Irish can be hired 10 cents a dozen and nobody cares if they’re killed but there’s an economic investment in the slaves.

    Is that racist?

    How about a little perspective? Why not provide facts that give insight into THE REST OF THE STORY?

  14. Who are they kidding? They would have loved themselves some fried chicken, watermelon and orange sody pop. They see racism everywhere because they are racists.

    Serve them some Duck a l’Orange and they’d complain you served them something racist from redneck central Duck Dynasty.

    Dallas was surrounded by cotton fields when we moved here in ’62. Many within the current city limits.

    I’m missing those fields now, but only because of the urban sprawl that replaced them.

  15. In your rant, you conveniently skipped over my mentioning of lack of modern machinery and chemicals that enable modern farmers to get more done.

    Pests were picked by hand. Fertilizer was manure – hand spread if they did it at all. Plowing was very laborious.

    Wasn’t trying to start a fight, but what I said is true. You over simplified by focusing on only the harvest time.



    That’s all.

  16. one of my clients is a company here in the South that specializes in non-flower centerpiece arrangements. They use locally-grown products such as cat-tails and Spanish Moss, etc for their products that they sell to florists.

    This whining asshat is clearly going around with a chip on their shoulder looking for creative new ways to “be offended”. FUCK YOU.

  17. Went to college in the 60s. The object of our state school was to flunk out as many as possible. If you flunked out, you went to Nam and died or were crippled for life. If someone have us good for free, we would have been eternally grateful. But this guy is a total jerk for catering to these people.

2 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Actual Cotton Picking Lasts 3-4 Weeks – IOTW Report
  2. Faces of Stupid – Daniell Rider – IOTW Report

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