Could a Republican Win the Gubernatorial Race in California? – IOTW Report

Could a Republican Win the Gubernatorial Race in California?

Meet John Cox.

Todd Starnes-

“I’m a no-nonsense businessman who is sick of the lack of results in this state – like the homeless problem,” he said.”I’m disgusted and shocked at how mismanaged this state is.”

Cox said the Democrats have a stranglehold on the Golden State.

“It’s been said many times that Jerry Brown – Governor Moonbeam – was the adult in the room in Sacramento,” he said. “If Jerry Brown is the adult, Gavin Newsom is the teenager with a bottle of whiskey and the car keys. We do not want that situation at all.”

Cox and Starnes discussed the failings of the once prosperous and beautiful city of San Francisco, which has recently been plagued by reports of human waste and dirty needles on the streets.

Starnes noted that local train stations in San Francisco are warning passengers to check their seats before they sit down in order to avoid sitting on a needle.

“This is Gavin Newsom’s California,” Cox said of his Democrat opponent, referring to his rival’s term as mayor of San Francisco from 2004 to 2011.

“He spent a billion and a half dollars of tax-payer money in San Francisco…and the actual number of homelessness went up,” Cox said. “The guy couldn’t manage his way out of a paper bag.”

Cox criticized Newsom’s response to the homelessness crisis in San Francisco, noting that his opponent’s only response to aid homeless citizens is to give them free needles and “clean rooms to shoot up in.”

Starnes and Cox said the failed Democratic policies are all the more hypocritical now that San Francisco is on the verge of banning plastic straws.

“San Francisco is more concerned about dirty straws than they are dirty needles,” Starnes said.


Why would people want the trajectory California is on to continue?

What would be their motivation?

Do they actually think the left has been good for the state?

4 Comments on Could a Republican Win the Gubernatorial Race in California?

  1. Ain’t that cool. Our savior. Our hero. Except he’s not campaigning. He’s not doing shit. Gaven Oldsome will be our next Governor. I’m really missing Travis Allen.

  2. A conservative would win big. But the last conservative in an election out West was Pete Wilson. BTW he got 140% of Brown’s votes! I rest my case.

    The GOP in Cal the last 30 years (Pete like Don ran against the GOPe) has worked ver hard to be more progressive than the Dem.liberal Kevin McCarthy is exhibit #1!

    Cox is as conservative as Yeb! HE has no chance!

    Cal voters want A CHOICE Cox is AN ECHO!

  3. To turn any place into a third-world shithole:

    Import and coddle inassimilable parasites. (And their dependents.)
    Give them Free Shit!
    Allow them to vote.
    Do not arrest, prosecute or deport when they commit felonies.
    And, finally, elect them to office to ensure more of the same.

    Believe me, this is foolproof.


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