Could all these shady business deals with Comey be true? If so, where’s this integrity we’ve been hearing about? – IOTW Report

Could all these shady business deals with Comey be true? If so, where’s this integrity we’ve been hearing about?

Take a look at this thread. If all of this info is true and verifiable, and Trump is indeed laying in wait with this stuff, it’s going to be a very interesting summer.

ht/ mr. pinko


14 Comments on Could all these shady business deals with Comey be true? If so, where’s this integrity we’ve been hearing about?

  1. No wonder Comey seemed panicked every time he had to deal with Hillary’s crimes and then appear on tv. He had too many plates spinning with trying to cover Hillary’s ass and then his own. And that explains why he kept throwing out the “memo” threats and leaking as a distraction.

  2. MSM manufactured integrity, just like he was supposed to be a straight shooter.

    He is a partisan hack, and the fix-it man for the Clintons. I think he will get indicted.

  3. “12. The Great Lion may let the jackals snip and bite for a while, but just when they think they may be winning, he will DESTROY them. That time nears, for those who chose to oppose Trump:”

    if someone wants to start the next civil war, it’s easy. Just try and remove Trump from office.

  4. Just when I start getting a little bored with the hijinks and crimes of the deep state because there’s every indication they are going to get away with it, something this good comes along that it has to be true.

  5. That’s the real Cosa Nostra!
    Brazil sent the ex-president, Lula da Silva, to prison because he accepted bribes. He’s playing it like a martyr, but they have more charges against him. They also jailed many other politicians like Rio de Janeiro ex governor, senators, etc.
    Reading that thread made me wonder if, at least on this, Brazil is way ahead of the USA. Hopefully we can catch up.

  6. I’ve seen this info in dribs n drabs and believe there’s even more shady deals not included here, which imo the $10 mil book deal was never abt the money. Strictly ego. He’s skated thru every illegal act for so long he believes himself invincible, which is a dangerous place to be.

  7. @Bad_Brad April 17, 2018 at 3:02 pm

    > if someone wants to start the next civil war, it’s easy. Just try and remove Trump from office.

    I didn’t think the Islamists were that fond of him. I suppose if they do it late spring to early fall, so the weather’s good, AntiFa might be riled up enough.

  8. > Mortgages for the Masses April 17, 2018 at 2:47 pm

    > MSM manufactured integrity

    But it’s not. Look at the “family banking” of “nationally recognized” journalists. If your uncle Ernie likes — I mean really, really likes — little children, will you:

    1) leave the family, the entire family; shine a light on them; and loudly, repeatedly, shout “Them, not me.”

    2) stay in the family; and announce — say it loud, say it proud — “I’m such a vile excuse for human! I love pedos!”

    3) stay in the family; and tell everyone, even, yourself, “This is perfectly normal. Everyone I know does it. Look how good I am.”

    How low do “journalists” think the Clintonistas are? Compared to everyone they know?

  9. It’s entirely possible that Comey et al will be going to jail.

    Why else the talk of an “insurance policy”? Comey is just trying to try this case in the court of public opinion because that’s always worked for these guys in the past. It’s a new paradigm, and they still haven’t figured it out.

  10. If it sounds too good to be true, remember ulsterman.

    I am not suggesting that the Vachel Lindsay is lying or misrepresenting facts or presenting alternative facts or fake news. I am recommending caution. If the facts are correct, it will come out in more mainstream conservative news sources soon enough.

    I think the thing to remember in all this is that the position does not make the man. These elitist snobs are just normal, fallible humans that got lucky. I hope their luck has finally run out.


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