Could he be any more pathetic? – IOTW Report

Could he be any more pathetic?

Probably. Yeah.

16 Comments on Could he be any more pathetic?

  1. Keep him talking.
    Keep him in front of the cameras.
    The Retarded Pedophile Usurper is his own greatest enemy.
    All the Goebbels-like lies in the World can’t hide the fact that he’s a buffoon.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “Could he be any more pathetic?”

    He can.

    And he will.

    Time makes fools of us all.

    Some more than others.

    Most old people have the dignity to leave the stage before they become witless and incontinent.

    Not THIS guy.

    …see Jill Biden for further details.

  3. Couldn’t watch.
    Not the first time Biden has had “P” running down his leg to his socks.

    See what $1,000,000 kick back a year gets you from your Chinese contributors to the Biden “Think Tank” at Penn State.

    Purely legitimate Corruption in 3d world countries.
    A $Million per year ain’t cheap, the Chinese have contributed $54+ Million. Not Bad for a lying Bastard.

  4. They are prepping the battlefield to jettison the paste eating pedophile. The more serious he is approaching running for resident again, the more that will slip out.

    The Commie Cunt will get his last two years as a sop to get her her permanent pension and then she will also be jettisoned.

    It will be Grusome Newsom the pretty boy as VP and Manchelle as President Transvestite, possibly Buttplug as VP but his fag stock is sinking..

  5. meant to say “unwatched” episode of Gunsmoke – it featured a woman who looked & sounded like a man who actually managed to have 2 men fighting over her (she chose her husband in the end) All’s well that ends well.So romantic. Love Gunsmoke.

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