Could There Be a Less Stereotypical Leftist Sizzlechest? – IOTW Report

Could There Be a Less Stereotypical Leftist Sizzlechest?

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32 Comments on Could There Be a Less Stereotypical Leftist Sizzlechest?

  1. I have noticed that people that have much to be ashamed of, (i.e. stupidity, deviancy, dependency, etc) are instead smug. I’m finding it increasingly irksome. The tipping point is coming soon.

  2. These little idiots are just following the crowd. They occasionally speak out when safe to do so and are re-enforced by the others in the herd. I don’t really blame them, this was force fed to them since they began school. They are just weak minds that take comfort being surrounded by like minded people. When they get a taste of reality after school ends, all but a few will wake up.

  3. Pajama Boy’s baby brother.

    This useless, low-IQ pencil-necked loser is the desired end product of the Marxist takeover of K-12 education.

    I meant the kid, not Shapiro. But it applies to both.

    Take back the K-12 Education industry by banning the commies, and you win both the Culture Wars and all future elections.
    Continue to allow Marxist domination of Education, and continue to lose both.

  4. The punks speech is no longer protected, if the Constitution is irrelevant, nor is his right to assemble, or protest…Arrest and jail the little prick and let him sit in jail with no phone call, no Miranda, no right to council. Give him a taste of the Utopia he longs for so deeply.

  5. Well, hell, if he doesn’t believe in free speech, lock his ass up for hate speech!

    In the video, the scene where people shout, ‘get him’, and some start chasing someone, reminds me of a super old movie and it’s remakes: INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS. Its original story was published in Collier Magazine. I once read that it was written as a warning against the insidious take over of communism.

    I can still see the Donald Sutherland version, last scene, Donald opening his mouth in a hideous screech, pointing to expose a former friend, Veronica Cartwright, who had not been turned. HORRIFYING!

  6. Judging by his (I think) appearance alone it’s obvious that this misinformed smug little prick has some serious issues. God help us when this generation matures.

  7. @Indimex: Instead of a tipping point think of it as a wave that has already started and is on the rise. It will crest within a few years (2020?) so get on that surfboard and get ready for a wild ride. Parasites and liars will be swept under.

  8. Ben Shapiro. If that cuck is what the right is, no thanks. The kid in the pink shirt has more testosterone than Mr. Neocon-I-got-antisemitic-tweets-from-alt-right-garbage-shapiro.

    Right of return, Ben. Use it.

  9. Constitutional conservatives, or red diaper babies? Would you rather your universal communism today, or can you wait until next Tuesday?

    (cue the music) Decisions, I’ve had a few… But now I face another “Whichever horse is closest to the do-or”…

  10. Winkie’s failbook intro states “Organizer with SDS | ⚧ Trans | ☭” Knock me over with a feather, right?

    FRSO is Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

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