Could This SCOTUS Decision Change The 2020 Election? – IOTW Report

Could This SCOTUS Decision Change The 2020 Election?

12 Comments on Could This SCOTUS Decision Change The 2020 Election?

  1. I don’t know how or why this would affect the election.

    Actually, it should help reassure the one-issue pink pussy hats who are not rioting socialists that it’s okay to vote Republican at this point in time, because their abortion rights aren’t at risk.

    Meanwhile, conservatives need to stop with the transparent flank attacks on abortion. Go back to the drawing board with what would be more convincing to most people who might be “okay” with earlier abortions but not later abortions: more recent research about the pain and suffering of third term fetuses as well as statistics on who gets abortions and when and why, the vast improvements in contraception and availability and low cost since the 70s, the decline of stigma about unwed motherhood, the fallacy that people can’t travel easily, or don’t have access to information, etc. Start with attacks on third trimester. Once Trump was elected, libs deliberately opened the door to this to protect early abortions.

    Perfect is the enemy of good.

  2. Just like his father G.W. Bush screwed the republicans. He knew this clown Roberts was a simpering lefty yet selected him anyway. I curse the Bush family for their disingenuous motivations.
    The amount of harm done is still being measured.

  3. I love Dan but this rant is wasted and a bit ill-informed.

    Over the years Roberts has exhibited an unhealthy bias towards fealty to court precedence, meaning that past court opinions are inviolable. Of course, this is nonsense but it goes hand in hand with his unhealthy self proclaimed duty to protect the reputation and legitimacy of the Supreme Court.

    You could view this as cowardice (I do) in that he lets bad past decisions stand for fear of ruffling feathers, upturning the apple cart, but he gave us glimpses of this in his confirmation hearings.

    As far as this decision changing the election, pshaw, If Republican presidents are going to give us weak kneed justices, why reward them with a second term?

  4. People better get ready for voter fraud. I’m pretty damn sure they just did it in Red State Oklahoma.

    People think we have secure voting and we do have voter ID, however you can just show your voter ID card and with absentee voting you show nothing just swear to tell the truth and have it notarized. The kicker is registering to vote, no proof is required. You fill out a form and it asks for your DL number, but you don’t have to provide it as there’s a second box to enter the last 4 digits of your social security number if you have no DL and then there is another box to check if you have no DL or SS card. You provide an address, but they don’t check if 100 people use the same address. Then you get your voter card mailed to this address, so it’s possible to cheat in person, but much easier to cheat with absentee voting because one person could have 100 different registrations under different names and absentee voting ballots sent to them. A couple of crooked notaries and you just changed the outcome of an election.

    I’ve asked politicians for years to change the law on how we register, but it falls on deaf ears.

  5. I wish someone couldfind and post the video of Roberts swearing in Obummer. The “ cute” impish grin on Roberts’ face actually made my stomach churn. It scared me right there and then. I don’t know-if the grin was because Roberts goofed it up, or what, but his look made me think they had an inside joke going on.

    That is when I knew Roberts was not who we thought he was.

  6. Looking at previous state questions, it’s within a few points of election day. So crunching the numbers it looks like there could have been almost 30,000 fraudulent absentee ballots.

  7. I don’t mind if women get abortions. They know right from wrong, life from death and murder. They all will eventually have to answer to The Supreme Being on Judgement Day.
    What I DO mind is having to pay for those abortions through FedGov funding of PP via my forceably pocket picked taxes.


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