COULTER: Al Franken’s Touching Departure – IOTW Report

COULTER: Al Franken’s Touching Departure

Daily Caller: I never thought I’d see it, but Al Franken has finally gotten around to calling a moving van.

While it is true that Franken was given virtually no chance to defend himself against multiple groping allegations (your side made those rules, not us), remember, it was never his practice to give that chance to anyone else.

On CNN and MSNBC, they were thunderstruck by Franken’s magnanimous response to the charges: UNLIKE ROY MOORE, HE ADMITTED IT AND APOLOGIZED!

Yeah — there’s a photo. So the part they had him dead to rights on he apologized for. What a guy.

Everything else he denied. Specifically, Franken said of his accusers: “Some of the allegations against me are simply not true. Others I remember very differently.”

Which reminds me: That’s exactly what Newt Gingrich said about the charge — repeated by Franken ceaselessly, endlessly, relentlessly and ubiquitously — that he’d served divorce papers on his wife when she was in the hospital recovering from cancer surgery.

This claim came from Gingrich’s ex-wife. It was denied by Gingrich. Now I don’t know who’s telling the truth, but I note that there’s no expression: “As reliable as testimony given by parties in a bitter divorce dispute!”

Franken didn’t care. He flogged the nasty story about Gingrich in books, on radio and in speeches, saying at the National Press Club, “And the thing about this story that you should know is that it’s true — every part of it.”

In addition to mining divorce records for sleazy, unprovable allegations against people he disagrees with politically, Franken spent years taunting Bill O’Reilly for claiming to have grown up in modest Levittown, New York, rather than — according to Franken — glamorous, ultra-posh Westbury, New York, apparently the Malibu of Levittown-adjacent areas.


It doesn’t seem like a big deal to me, but this was Franken’s case in chief that O’Reilly was a LYING LIAR. He offered a million dollars to O’Reilly to prove he grew up in Levittown.

Disregarding the lawyer’s rule about never asking a witness a question you don’t know the answer to, Franken invited a Levittown historian onto a live broadcast of his Air America radio show to dramatically ask her if O’Reilly grew up in Levittown.

(Drumroll) Franken: “I consider you the world’s foremost authority on Levittown. … What’s the answer here?”

Hofstra professor Barbara Kelly: “Yes … (O’Reilly) is right. It is Levittown. There is no doubt about that.”

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that O’Reilly never got his million dollars. There was no apology, no retraction, no “I guess I got this one wrong.” It was just onto the next one.

The pinnacle of Franken’s reckless cruelty came when he used his Senate office to champion the cause of delusional nutcase Jamie Leigh Jones when she accused completely innocent men of gang rape while she was working in Iraq.  read more

13 Comments on COULTER: Al Franken’s Touching Departure

  1. I hope Bachmann runs for his seat. I will contribute to her campaign. BFH knows I am a no-bullshitter on stuff like this.

    /offtopic – for any of us who got Mastercard, VISA or Amex giftcards for Christmas, once you have used them for purchases you usually have a couple of un-usable dollars left on them, right? Here’s what you do for a Win-Win. Click on BFH’s donation link, donate all of the card’s remaining balance. Easy Peasy. I’ve given plenty of dinero this way over the years. YOU CAN TOO!

  2. Not enough. The buffoon still gets a pension, pays no civil or criminal penalty, and in this stupid world he retains a most valuable, fungible asset: his celebrity.

    If his name were to be irrevocably tied to scumbaggery from this day forth, that would be something. But half this country will still buy his books and lap up his BS.

  3. Read the post title and wondered-

    Was it a Touching departure?
    Or a Touching touching departure?
    In the tradition of Whoopie’s distinction between – Rape and Rape rape.

    Sometimes karma rightfully overrides the judicial fairness principle of innocent till proven guilty in court.

  4. I wonder if this makes ole Al recall the skit he did on SNL years ago, playing a conniving politician (before he became one), who ran political ads to convince his constituents that they should not ask, What can Al Franken do for me? They should instead ask themselves, What can I do for Al Franken?

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