Coulter Calls on Trump to Impose Temporary Ban on All Immigration – IOTW Report

Coulter Calls on Trump to Impose Temporary Ban on All Immigration


Monday on Fox Business Network’s “Varney & Co.,” conservative commentator Ann Coulter, author of “In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!” suggested rather than impose a ban on people from certain countries, President Donald Trump should enact a temporary ban on all immigration to the United States.

Coulter said if everyone were banned, that would eliminate the religious aspects that are preventing Trump from enacting his policy on immigration.

“I mean, what Trump, for example, suggested in his immigration policy paper, the greatest document since the Magna Carta, was a temporary ban on all immigration,” Coulter said. “You have no religious problem then. Why doesn’t he go back to that? It’s both more aggressive – be very careful. Let in a few a year. We’re letting in 2 million people a year – illegal, legal, guest workers. Probably more than 2 million. And The New York Times writes, ‘Well, it’s just impossible to vet that many people coming in.’ Well, don’t let in that many people then. It’s not that hard.”

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17 Comments on Coulter Calls on Trump to Impose Temporary Ban on All Immigration

  1. The leftist commie screed is to overload our system, forcing its collapse. Immigrants, whether legal or illegal, are loaded up with welfare and freebies, while everyday peeps work full time and live week to week.

    It’s a twofer for commies. Collapse the best system ever devised AND grind the morale of real citizens into dust.

    Did I mention I hate commies?

  2. Ban all Males…. only allow in females that weigh less than 120lbs, and offer them a free boob job (whatever size they like)! This would drive down the cost of a boob job, so more American women can afford them! Win for everyone!

  3. “I’ve been saying that for a long time. Why do we need any new immigrants? What good do they do us?”

    @MPS, that is exactly the point. There was a time that to immigrate here, you had to have bring a work ethic of value that would contribute/be good for the U.S.

  4. Anyone who thinks we need more immigrants should take a minute to look at the population statistics for the last 10 years or so. You should find it as troubling as I do. We are screwed.

  5. Can you remember attending grade school and being astonished that there were 250 million people in India or 350 million in Red China? There are more people living in Mexico now than there were Americans in the 1940s. Why not stop all immigration until Teddy Kennedy’s Immigration Bill is completely reformed? Do we really need 450 million people in this country?

  6. Basic Programming Globalist does not compute, or factor, Quality of Life into their designs. Shame on Them for such short-sightedness. No Shame in pointing Them out.

    See the Programming

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