Coulter: Florida Man Has Fender Bender in Manhattan – IOTW Report

Coulter: Florida Man Has Fender Bender in Manhattan

Breitbart: A man in a Home Depot truck deliberately drove into a bike path in lower Manhattan on Tuesday, mowing down cyclists and pedestrians, crashed into a school bus, then fled the truck, brandishing fake guns and shouting “Allahu akbar!” He was shot by a policeman and taken to the hospital. At least eight people were left dead and many more injured.

Those are the facts, but facts don’t matter. In cases like this, what counts is the spin. The post-Islamic-attack commentary goes more like this …

So far, the only concrete information we have about the driver is that he was a lone attacker, he is from Florida, and he has recently been living in New Jersey.

In the bubble of your white-skinned privilege, I know you badly wanted this to be a dark-skinned person, a foreigner — the “other” — but you’re just going to have to accept the fact that the driver was a guy from Florida. Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov — just another homegrown terrorist.

Going forward, our most urgent task as a country is to figure out how to defeat Islamophobia. I plan to spend the rest of the week shaming Islamophobes on Twitter and Facebook.

For clarity, immediately after the incident, sources inside the New York Police Department debunked the “terrorism” narrative, saying that it was an incident of road rage between two truck drivers. At a press conference hours later, Police Commissioner James O’Neill refused to confirm whether the suspect had shouted “Allahu akbar” and declined to state the attacker’s name or nationality.

I don’t know why, since he’s from Florida. But the bigotry of Islamophobia doesn’t always pay attention to details.

Contrary to the toxic delusions of Faux News hosts, white men are a BIGGER domestic terrorist threat than Muslim foreigners.

Here’s a recent tally:

Fort Hood massacre, Nov. 5, 2009: Nidal Malik Hasan — VIRGINIA MAN

Boston Marathon bombing, April 15, 2013: Tamerlan Anzorovich Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Anzorovich Tsarnaev — MASSACHUSETTS MEN

San Bernardino slaughter, Dec. 2, 2015: Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik — ILLINOIS MAN (AND WIFE)


20 Comments on Coulter: Florida Man Has Fender Bender in Manhattan

  1. For about the first hour he was “a man from Tampa” to the news readers.. What they don’t know is that it set off alarm bells to anyone who has payed attention to Tampa in the last twenty years. In fact, I was 99% sure he was Muslim after they said that.

    You’re going to have to up your truth-cloaking techniques, journos. We connect the dots out here in Deploraville.

  2. I was just looking at the diversity immigrants lottery tickets from the USA and other countries. Guys you be very surprised that a lot a countries that sent the worst people to the USA don’t have that

  3. “I plan to spend the rest of the week shaming Islamophobes on Twitter and Facebook”
    Go for it. When I start talking shit about the goat humping, follower of a pedophile, nothing you say will shame me. As a matter of fact, the louder you cry, the happier I’ll get.

  4. Allow me to pay tribute to Ann Coulter. I love her very much, but I would never marry her. She would not put up with my lame excuses for being late, being drunk, and all other bullshit excuses we give to wives for being assholes.
    I remember well Ann on the Bill (SNOZ) Maher panel before the last election (2016). Mahar asked Ann: “Which of the Republican candidates has the best chance of winning the election”?
    Ann, without hesitation said:, “of the declared ones, right now, Donald Trump.”
    The whole audience broke out into laughter. The panel snickered and smirked. But Ann stood proudly, like the warrior Queen of Connacht, Maeve. Check Queen Maeve out. Better than watching the NFL. Also check out “Best Compilations of people who laughed at Trump.”
    Ann Coulter, and Laura Ingraham rock.

  5. I also distinctly remember that panel with Ann Coulter — the best compilations of who laughed at a Donald Trump presidency. Ann did not ever back down. It was an awesome moment in an awesome year.

    One year later — even Donna Brazile is running scared. He who laughs best ….

  6. I do believe we have homegrown terrorists, but they’re influenced by Muslim immigrants and become Muslims.
    This guy though wasn’t homegrown, because this wasn’t his home.

    I’m also sick of this shit that non-citizens have Constitutional Rights.

  7. Old Racist White Woman

    Respectfully, I don’t care. Give me my Second Amendment Rights to shoot them in the face. That’s how all of this is mitigated. What stops a bad guy with a gun, or maybe a knife, or a truck?

  8. Brad, it seems these days immigrants here illegally and on visas have constitutional rights, but they don’t want American citizens to have them.

    They can’t run to microphones quick enough yelling they have constitutional rights, yet in the same breath claim the 2nd amendment doesn’t apply and the Constitution is just a piece of paper.

  9. Old Racist White Woman, we’ll discuss your name later because you are not racist, and age is a frame of mind.
    There’s a shit load of very tactical SOB’s out here with carry permits that will make any SWAT team look like a bunch of amateurs. I can post examples endlessly. Turn us loose. Email, call, Ryan. He’s the Lib Asshole holding up Nation Wide Carry.

  10. I like my name, it came from a few years back when the Black Lives Matter was heating up and I got into a discussion with a 20-something year old snowflake. When he couldn’t win the argument he got flustered and said, “you’re just a damn Old Racist White Woman who is a waste of breath.”

    When you’re called racist you know you’ve won. lol

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