Coulter: Give Me Your Dreamers… – IOTW Report

Coulter: Give Me Your Dreamers…

Townhall- – – Does anyone know why President Trump loves “Dreamers” — i.e.: illegal aliens allegedly brought here before the age of 12 (which no federal judge will ever check) by their parents (which no federal judge will ever check), “through no fault of their own” (which no federal judge will ever check)?

We’ve been lectured by Mark Zuckerberg about how much better “Dreamers” are than you lazy Americans — especially African-Americans, whose jobs are disproportionately taken by illegals. (As former Mexican President Vicente Fox once charmingly put it, illegal immigrants “are doing jobs that not even blacks want to do there in the United States.”)

So why aren’t we being bombarded with television interviews and profiles of these amazing human beings?

Liberals can’t make an argument without producing a victim. Attack the media — they bleat about journalists getting shot in the face while reporting abroad. Complain about FBI corruption — they choke up over G-men putting their lives on the line EVERY DAY! Denounce the Deep State — they moan that CIA officers have been killed in the line of duty.

Isn’t this the moment for our hearts to be breaking over the millions of wonderful “Dreamers” who will suffer unless we amnesty them immediately?

Let’s see ’em! Surely they’ve got a few Einsteins! After all, the media are capable of turning a gang-admiring thug who forcibly robbed a convenience store and assaulted a cop into “Gentle giant, Mike Brown.” They turned jewelry-stealing juvenile delinquent Trayvon Martin into an altar boy.  MORE

7 Comments on Coulter: Give Me Your Dreamers…

  1. Trump ‘loves’ Dreamers for one reason: they are part of the path to removing the lottery and chain migration from the US law. And the restrictions he imposed on their citizenship meant that they couldn’t break the law and couldn’t vote for many years. It was a reasonable trade-off. And to be fair, while they don’t deserve to be citizens for only this reason the point is that they were brought here as children and without control of the situation.

  2. Why would any cracker take any job whatsoever?

    If it’s not the native indians who want to strip the white man, it’s the blacks who want their reparations, and if not them then illegals want cracker’s money. Heaven forbid that white person would have any religious belief because that’s being trampled on as well. While we’re hanging on by a thread in an attempt to defend what we have remaining, the left wants to strip our personal protection. Can’t even carry on our own race without groups glamorizing abortion. Don’t talk about cracker issues (esp. male cracker) in any public setting: that’s racist; yet every “minority group” can openly berate a cracker and make demands specifically for their race. I’d like to know exactly where my cracker privilege exists because I’d like to tap into it some day, you know, as a rainy day fund. I’ll be damned if I’m going to work my ass off just to have that stripped away from some group making demands, or some tech CEO cuck throwing around words like universal basic income. Fuuuuucccckkk OFFFFFFF!

  3. @Left Coast Dan March 22, 2018 at 10:06 am

    And to be fair, while they don’t deserve to be citizens for only this reason the point is that they were brought here as children and without control of the situation.

    If you mean that in the sense of “You can leave all your luggage in the station. It will be forwarded to the camp in another freight train.” then I bow to your wisdom. If you have an iota of sincerity, then I recommend you duck your head as you enter the boxcar.


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