Coulter: ‘Immigrant Privilege’ Drives Child Rape Epidemic – IOTW Report

Coulter: ‘Immigrant Privilege’ Drives Child Rape Epidemic

Breitbart: Before breathing a sigh of relief that, unlike Western Europe, we don’t have Muslim rapists pouring into our country, recall that we have Mexican rapists pouring into our country.

Almost all peasant cultures are brimming with rapists, pederasts and child abusers. Latin America just happens to be the peasant culture closest to the United States, while the Muslims are closest to Europe.

According to North Carolinians for Immigration Reform and Enforcement, immigrants commit hundreds of sex crimes against children in North Carolina every month — 350 in the month of April 2014, 299 in May, and more than 400 in August and September. More than 90 percent of the perpetrators are Hispanic.

They aren’t even counting legal immigrants. Aren’t those worse? Only certain Republicans get excited about the difference between legal and illegal immigrants. The rest of America is trying to understand the point of the last 40 years of legal immigration. Why was this necessary?

Below is a very short excerpt from a few days in November 2013. As Stalin is supposed to have said, sometimes quantity has a quality all its own.  more

10 Comments on Coulter: ‘Immigrant Privilege’ Drives Child Rape Epidemic

  1. So why do we look the other way when it comes to immigrant conduct? Because the belief among business and government leaders is that the United States will need a large pool of general and unskilled labor and voters in the near future because statistics tend to show that the native population is not reproducing itself. If replacing these workers means that we have to put up with many of the unsavory aspects of immigrant culture, then these folks say “so be it.”

    To me, this is the only explanation for the push for unfettered immigration that makes sense. The total fertility rate for most of Europe and currently the United States is below replacement level, which means that population is contracting and will continue to contract. But businesses need a labor pool, and socialists (i.e.the Democrat party) need lower economic folk to sustain their policies and maintain power. The handy solution is to allow people from third world countries to immigrate to provide these labor and voting pools. Unfortunately, too many of these immigrants bring and refuse to give up their cultural beliefs, which frequently includes the abuse of minors.

  2. That is why so much outrage when Trump suggests starting a program like VOICE and publishing illegal crime rates, honor killings etc. You can only fool the people if the facts aren’t readily available and publicized.

  3. wyatt, i agree with your assessment, and this is one of the many reasons that the left will do anything to maintain power, to the great detriment of the country, no matter as to right / wrong

    we have plenty of folks worldwide who would offer great value added to america if the immigration process was to work properly, which should be based on what they can bring and contribute economically

    the immigration of culture-hardened third world poverty will bring us to our knees if we don’t stem the tide and implement an immigration process that actually benefits america

  4. nice try, anonymous, i am about as anti-soros as can be

    the legal immigration of the educated and america-loving is a good thing, a brain-drain to the countries that they emigrate from

    you need to look around you at the hard-working, law-abiding god-loving immigrants again before you make such an irresponsible statement

  5. @: March 9, 2017 at 1:42 pm

    “[F]olks” who offer “great value” have less than no reason to emigrate. They are already “huge fish,” in their “little ponds.” The story of a global glut of highly educated (according to globalist-corporatist-oligarch standards), hard(er) working (according to globalist-corporatist-oligarch standards), people yearning for a chance, just a chance, to move somewhere already ruled by globalist-corporatist-oligarchs, to prove their superior worth (according to globalist-corporatist-oligarch profit standards) than the lazy, ill educated, people that need to get out of the globalist-corporatist-oligarchs’ way, is (one of) the popular propaganda “explanations” for a borderless, but still legally prescribed (according to globalist-corporatist-oligarch standards) planet. Exactly like “climate change.”

    Just because you (claim) to be “about as anti-soros as can be,” doesn’t mean you’re not trolling for him. Just as Republicans who (claim to) do everything they can to defeat Democrats, can insist on implementing the Democrats’ agenda.

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