Country by homicide rate – IOTW Report

Country by homicide rate

This is all manner of homicide. Even if the person used a skillet.

25 Comments on Country by homicide rate

  1. Interesting, but flawed. Are Iraq and Central Iraq two different countries? And there is no such country as the Virgin Islands – that group of islands is divided between the U.S., Britain, and Puerto Rico (which is itself a warped part of the U.S.). There may be more oddities; I didn’t study the whole table in detail.

    What’s the source of the table, please?

  2. It’s possible our rate could go sky high. That is, if they count warfare against liberals as homicide.

    Let the bastards take the new movie about killing deplorables too seriously and start their armed rebellion. Accounts will be settled then.

  3. “Would it make you feel better, little goil, if they was pushed outta windows?!” 🙄

    – A. Bunker, 1974 –

    And I was CLOSE! I had “Venezuela” for the win. They came in “show.” 😳

  4. I’ll see your Salvadorian and Honduran refugees and raise you 5 Mongolian refugees because they hunt with eagles and falcons on horseback. It would be nice to see that in Central Park….

  5. You will find that the type and extent of crimes in areas of the United States with a lot of immigrants from various parts of the world correlate with the crimes in those parts of the world (gangs, knives, rape, child rape, gun violence, fraud, robbery, etc.) It’s a cultural thing. When we import people, we import cultures and values as well, both good and bad.

  6. I like how the UNODC lumped all North America, Central America & South America together to make the highest rate (also noticed they didn’t link the European sub-continent w/ Asia)

    … it’s also rate per 100,000 population, which is funny because it makes Bermuda have a higher rate than the US … Bermuda had 5 homicides, the US had over 17,000

  7. USA is lower than Greenland! 🙂

    In the late 90s my 24 year-old sister graduated from college and decided to ‘move to the Caribbean’. My parents talked with some travel agent friends and decided on the US Virgin Islands. Well, she survived, and I spent a wonderful week down there visiting her. But their crime rate has always been very high. Sheesh, higher than Haiti!
    BTW Al – Virgin Islands as noted here is US territory, British Virgin Islands is also listed.

  8. Ever notice how it’s only leftists that drive around with those silly COEXIST bumper stickers?

    But they are the people that can’t or refuse to get along with anyone else. It’s their way or be worthy of being destroyed. They might only be outnumbered by the jihadists favoring the same attitude.

    There’s a whole lot of not coexisting a goin’ on out there.

  9. Tim Buktu
    AUGUST 9, 2019 AT 6:41 PM
    “I didn’t see an entry for the shithole known as Smellya.”

    …statistic keeping requires SOME form of Govenment and, also, some math skills. The inbreeding ALONE precludes BOTH, and, besides, you’ve ALREADY seen how our own Somali queen “governs”…

  10. I’m sorry. Sudan? Out ranks us with less murders.

    Well maybe so. The muzzes murdered the apostates during the Clinton years and it’s been smooth sailing ever since. Utopian paradise that Sudan.

    I should book a vacation there. A beach vacation. Surfs up on the eastern shore of Africa.

    Wax your boards.

    Thongs OK?

    I’ll send you a postcard pic of my head being kicked down the street.

  11. Skillets! I’ll never forget when a nasty guy came into our store. My 4.5 ft. Mom grabbed a cast iron frying pan and held it behind her back until she yelled the guy out of our store. She kept telling me to go back i to the kitchen, but I wouldn’t go thinking she might need help pounding him.

  12. Since 85% of America’s homicides are gang bangers killing each other in the interest of public service why should their actions be considered homicidal?


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