Coup-operators – IOTW Report


With the self-serving revelations by Andy McCabe on Sunday, historian Victor Davis Hanson took the different pieces of information we already know and provides a comprehensive narrative of just what went on two years ago in the Clinton campaign, DOJ and FBI. It’s a must read piece for the nation. Here

17 Comments on Coup-operators

  1. I’ve been saying that these traitors will see justice since the election of Trump. I’ve been mocked and ridiculed every step of the way by people who refuse to awaken.

    The alarm clock is about to go off, though.

    I do believe we are going to see the guilty actually hang for their treason and sedition.

    It’s the only way.

  2. And as we speak, they are recycling crap from 2017 to create fake news about Trump people *possibly* scheming to *maybe* illegally give the Saudis nuclear technology. And it’s even got bonus Mike Flynn! The Walls Are Closing In!

    What I think is going on, is that Trump is about to pivot to Clinton’s Uranium One scandal, so the Deep State/MSM has to create a mirror nuke scandal for Trump.

  3. While they have not have been successful in pulling off a coup, it has been a very effective delaying tactic and you can bet yer bottom dollar they will be pulling out all the stops to win the Presidency at all costs in 2020, primarily to bury all this stuff. On the other hand, with a second term President Trump would finally have the real power to prosecute these bastards which has got to be their greatest fear!

  4. “I do believe we are going to see the guilty actually hang for their treason and sedition.”

    And what is the source of this optimism?

    Still waiting for Clapper and Brennen to be charged with lying to congress.
    Still waiting for Clinton, Mills, Abedeen or Suazo (chief executive for Platte River Networks) to be charged with lying to the FBI.
    Still waiting for Comey and McCabe to be charged with leaking classified documents to the media.
    And, I’m still waiting for the criminal junta within the FBI that oversaw both the counter intelligence investigation against Trump and the illegal server investigation against Hillary to be charged with anything.

    There are 2 standards of justice in America, one for the deep state/well connected and one for the rest of us. Barr says he is going to look into all of it, we shall see, but right now I have little confidence that any of these felons will be charged with anything.

  5. “… and may these immoral people finally earn a long deserved legal and moral reckoning.”

    from your lips, Mr. VDH, to God’s, PDJT’s & William Barr’s ears (& I only put my trust in the first two sets of ears)

  6. Another excellent essay by Dr. Hanson. I’m not sure that the coup attempt is really dead and do not believe it will be until quite a few of the principals are convicted, behind bars for long terms or sentenced to death and executed. We ARE after all, at war, albeit not declared as such.

  7. I don’t think they will be prosecuted Barr is a swamp creature and he is not going to rock the boat. They could have nailed Clapper for lying to congress but let the statuate of limitations expire. I hope they will be tried for treason and executed ( I would prefer they were hanged with Piano wire and the next in line to be hung hangs the previous one). But I do not think they will be prosecuted.

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