Couple Attacked By Street Thugs in Pittsburgh Try (and Fail) To Seek Help in McDonald’s – IOTW Report

Couple Attacked By Street Thugs in Pittsburgh Try (and Fail) To Seek Help in McDonald’s

The McDonald employees tossed the couple to the street and into the arms of people whose lives do not matter.

Not sure if this is a man or woman

The man was attacked from behind trying to protect his girlfriend (who was pepper sprayed and pulled to the ground by her hair) and was instantly paralyzed from the neck down after crashing face first into the pavement.

He also cannot speak because his vocal cords were crushed.

Story and Video

ht/ jd hasty

26 Comments on Couple Attacked By Street Thugs in Pittsburgh Try (and Fail) To Seek Help in McDonald’s

  1. Even after watching the video and hearing the name I can’t tell if it’s male or female.

    McDonalds should be sued into oblivion, quit hiring thugs. Folks you have to quit going into these thug’s playground without a gun and a lot of ammo.

  2. Beset upon by a troop of baboons is repeated far too often in the cities. We never hear of hate crime charges and the authorities do little to discourage the feral scum for fear of upsetting the racial exploiters.
    When I see this I just want to kill.

  3. Don’t you see? Blacks should be allowed to commit any crime they want, because even calling them out is racist. It is already the Purge, against “white” people (you, too, Irish and Italians)

  4. Lord, I speak the healing blood of Jesus over this mans spinal chord and all other injuries. You are his hope and his portion. Let his recovery and his life be a witness to your goodness, your power, and your sovereignty. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  5. This didn’t happen in some rundown part of town…Wood St. is smack dab in the center of the city. In what USED to be a beautiful part of town.

    This is the direct result of Mayor Padoofus letting these animals take over the city after a black kid was shot by a cop a couple years ago. Granted, it was bad shoot (shot in the back while running from a traffic stop), but the mayor let the lowlifes mob the main roadways in and out of the city, and the downtown area itself, like it was a block party from Hell. NO ONE, that I know of, was arrested, or even ASKED to leave.

    On the other hand, when these scum mobbed the outside of PNC Park after a Pirate game, some WHITE guy that drove through the mob to get the hell outta there, WAS arrested.

    On top of all that, there are multiple shootings every day in Pittsburgh, and the surrounding towns. What used to be an exceptional place to live has turned into a cesspool, not because this area has been run by Democrats forever, but because the Democrats have allowed their party to be taken over by Progressives (read: socialist scum bastards) like that POS mayor.

  6. That part of town was once known for porn theaters and prostitution. It was a morally filthy area, but it was safe. Now shootings and stabbings in that area are routine.
    A few years back, a mayor of Pittsburgh said that there are no gangs in the city; just groups of affiliated youth.
    Just another Dem run town.

  7. These are the people Conservatives™ want you to struggle for. To keep The United States it’s, by design, self. It’s integral, self.

    For freedom! For justice! For the future!

  8. grool, if corporate McDonald’s does that, then let’s pull a nationwide McDonald’s boycott until they do something. I will never go to McDonald’s again for the rest of my life because of this. And I don’t live anywhere near Pittsburgh, The Pitt of Despair.

  9. @CC – So true! If only this poor bastard was armed. There would of been a few dead animals instead. When is the nervous, anti permit to carry, law abiding public gonna wake the fuck up? This a war.

  10. It doesn’t matter if it is a corporate or franchise the store needs to be closed else McD’s gets a worse reputation for not only who hangs out (bangers, thugs et al) but who works there. They’ve spent hundreds of millions in advertising over the years promoting the quality and dedication of their staff and if this story and vid gets legs then Mcd’s has staffing problems (what parent would want their staff working there) and customer problems (what customer would want to drop in for a late-nite snack).

  11. White people are pussies these days. This is a good example. I choose not to participate.
    No ones coming to save you. Save who needs to be saved, kill who needs to be killed. I have no sympathy. TRAIN. Like your life depends on it.

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