Couple That Starved Adopted Daughter To Near Death Saved By A Judge Starving for Attention – IOTW Report

Couple That Starved Adopted Daughter To Near Death Saved By A Judge Starving for Attention

Canada Free Press:
Let’s suppose you looked out of your window and saw someone, on a cold night in October, kicking their dog down the street. When the dog couldn’t run anymore, the person stopped kicking the dog and indignantly turned away, leaving the dying dog lying in the middle of the street.

You rushed to the dog’s aid and transported it immediately to a veterinarian. Thankfully, after extensive treatment, the innocent pup healed and was placed in the home of a loving family.

There is no doubt that the person kicking the dog didn’t care if the defenseless pup lived or died. In fact, judging by the person’s actions, they wanted to kill the pooch. So just because someone intervened and saved the dog’s life, does that leave the abuser/attempted murder off the hook?

This 5-year-old child was left for dead, and her survival is nothing short of a miracle

In September of 2017, Dawn Cliff, a “habilitative interventionist,” had started working with a young 5-year-old girl, that will be identified as E.B. Habilitative Intervention assists children with developmental disabilities and maladaptive behaviors to develop and improve their living skills, functional skills, communication skills and adaptive and coping skills so they can become more self-reliant and integrated into family life and the community.

One month later in October of 2017, Cliff discovered E.B. lying outside wearing nothing more than a dirty diaper. When Cliff tried to arouse the young girl, there was no response. The young girl was in a state of cardiac arrest, she had no pulse and her pupils were fixed and dilatated.

Upon arriving at the hospital, the staff worked performing CPR for 45 minutes. She was in complete cardiac arrest with a body temperature of 89 degrees. During the resuscitation, 7 doses of epinephrine, as well as 3 doses of atropine were administered.

I am not an expert, but I have participated in many cardiac arrests at three different hospitals, and I can’t ever remember more than 3 doses of epinephrine being utilized at any arrest. more

16 Comments on Couple That Starved Adopted Daughter To Near Death Saved By A Judge Starving for Attention

  1. For a state that has a conservative reputation there are some surprising decisions coming out of Idaho. Soros money has been way to successful in undermining the US judicial system.

  2. What Hambone said…on a dark, quiet night… all four perps; foster parents, judge, and defense atty.

  3. There are ways to deal with abusers if the “judicial system” won’t. Details are unimportant, as creativity in such situations is recommended. Everything is situational, to fit opportunity and offence.

    But the main point is that justice, TRUE justice, must be served.

    If the courts aren’t willing, the people must be.

    Do what needs done and don’t talk about it later.

    And that’s all I’m going to say about that.

  4. Shoot, shovel and shut up. My grandfather as well as my dad and father-in-law were all old school and would have found a way to quickly deal with these 2 nogoodniks. And you wouldn’t want to know what my wife’s paternal grandfather from Kentucky would’ve done to these bastards. There is no excuse ever to tolerate this kind of behavior towards innocent children. These 2 need to be taken out of the gene pool immediately.

  5. Rural Oregon is going from the frying pan into the fire by trying to join with Idaho. Just as with Nevada, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico, state politics is dominated by the few cities that comprise the majority of the population — and these cities, often with universities and colleges, tend to be dominated by libs and RINOs.

  6. On a slightly humorous note, I thought it funny that in the CFP article, the spell check/editor chose to all-caps the spelling of Ada. I suppose that under Obama’s third term, we may actually have ADA County Deputy Prosecutors.

  7. Do you know why a revolver holds 6 rounds typically? One in each knee, one in each elbow, one in the “lower abdomen” and then 24-48 hours later, one in the head.

    Sorry, I was just considering a more appropriate sentence.

  8. …but to move away from the evil to the good for the moment, consider this…

    “The young girl was in a state of cardiac arrest, she had no pulse and her pupils were fixed and dilatated.

    Upon arriving at the hospital, the staff worked performing CPR for 45 minutes. She was in complete cardiac arrest with a body temperature of 89 degrees. During the resuscitation, 7 doses of epinephrine, as well as 3 doses of atropine were administered.”

    …this would seem to describe a cooling corpse, nicht wahr? It would be understandable for anyone confronted with these signs and symptoms to glance at the clock and say “Time if death: now o’clock”, wouldn’t it.


    …I’ve written many times here that is is NEVER appropriate, absent decapitation or massive chest trauma or dependent lividity/rigor/postmortem outgassing to call someone “dead”. It’s not always clear where that line is or whether someone can be called back to a meaningful life, but I never regard it as my call to make and will fight for life regardless of if I personally think its salvageable, and recommend others do to.

    Because you never know.

    This girl stands as a wonderful example, and probably only got the chance because no one is willing to let a young child go without a fight.

    I’ve been on pediatric resuscitation scenes, ERs with pediatric trauma codes, toted crashing kids to the nearest appropriate facility. On a scale of 1 to 10, it being a pediatric patient cranks it up to 20.

    And even post-resucitation, you STILL don’t know. CPR is a traumatic thing and sometimes it actually PREVENTS the body from recovering. Consider “Lazarus Syndrome” and delayed return of spontaneous circulation, for example…

    When is dead NOT dead? IDK, but it’s for God to decide, not me.

    Which is why I also worry about things like this, where people with very little training are told to make literal life-and-death decisions on the spur of the moment…

    …but that seems to be where the world is trending.

    Now, everything seems slanted to death. Doctors talk about hospice, not quality of life. Lawyers bring “Wrongful life” suits if outcomes are not optimal. Parents sue fertility clinics for not preventing birth defects in in-vitro conceptions.
    I even saw a suit a child brought against his parents for conceiving him when they knew there was a possibility of a genetic defect. Suicide booths are invented. New ways of killing infants in utero are concocted. Shots marketed as saving slay instead, and yet CONTINUE to be marketed.

    Its like death is more important an outcome than life in the medical world today.

    ..That is why, setting aside these evil people and their heinous crimes, and the travesty of the continuing perversion of the “justice” system, celebrate instead the flame of life instead in a young girl that so many refused to let go out, and brought back to add the light of her life to this darkening world against all odds and against all expectations. I don’t know who that now-eleven year old will grow into, but its for the Lord who led her salvation to decide, not for those who left her to die, and I’m sure He saved her for something special.

    And may God bless those who refused to give up.

    When confronted with life or death, always error on the side of life as they did, no matter what your mind may tell you.

    You may be surprised.

    Or you may not be.

    But either way, speaking for myself, I could not stand idly by with a shrug without doing whatever I could.

    Whatever else that person in need is, they are a creation of the Lord.

    And I owe it to Him to do all I can with the life he gave me to preserve the lives He gave others.

    As do we ALL.

    So on the cusp of Easter Sunday, remember to always reach for life.

    So when one day you stand before the Lord yourself, you can honestly say you tried.

    Every time.

    May God bless that little girl and those who saved her, protect her siblings, and strengthen those who care for her now. And may God bring His judgement into the dreams of those who abused her and those who denied her justice now, and again forever when they too stand before Him.

    And may the Lord uplift you all on tomorrow’s celebration of His resurrection.

    And take this story for what it positively is, a young life snatched from death, and take heart in that instead of despair at how she came to that pass.

    Happy Easter and God Bless,

  9. This is just an example of what the white privilege white-trash do against their own children which is then excused by white privilege white trash authorities. After all, the mega-white privilege white trash Joe Biden and his uncouth family got away with his molesting his then-minor age daughter while the other family members knew all about it and likely participated. The disgusting white privilege white trash and disgusting Hunter son seems to be getting away with crimes which also include child molestation, bribery, and scams while every other person would get slammed for it. White privilege belongs solely to the elites or wanna-be elites such as Joe Biden and the black albino Obama bin lyin’.

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