Court Criticizes Obama Admin for Illegal Spying on U.S. Citizens – IOTW Report

Court Criticizes Obama Admin for Illegal Spying on U.S. Citizens


WASHINGTON, D.C.—Intelligence agencies violated the constitutional rights of American citizens through illegal surveillance during the Obama administration, recently declassified documents from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) show.

The secretive court also notes a change for the better under President Trump’s team.

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) authorizes two courts to provide judicial review for U.S. intelligence agencies when their activities require them to monitor people on U.S. soil. One is FISC, and the other is the court that hears appeals from FISC decisions, the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review (FISCR). The benches of FISC are comprised of federal judges from regular federal trial courts throughout the nation, and three appellate judges from around the nation comprise the bench of FISCR.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) recently declassified an April 26, 2017, ruling from FISC, detailing violations of Fourth Amendment rights during the final year of the Obama administration.


10 Comments on Court Criticizes Obama Admin for Illegal Spying on U.S. Citizens

  1. Judicial Review, Criticize, Castigate, serious violations of the 4th Amendment?

    So where’s the indictments and prosecutors?

    Is this Judicial outrage similar to Obama’s red line that was never to be crossed, but was repeatedly ignored with no consequences?

    The socialist elite again get a pass for breaking the laws of the Land. Equal Justice under the law, I guess not.

  2. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but harsh criticism won’t put me in prison.

    { and where did Comie come with the “intent” crap? If the deed was done they’re guilty. The intent would only determine if it was only criminal or treason. It’s similar to the difference between manslaughter and first degree murder. imo.}

  3. Cato is quite right. There seems to be plenty of grounds for indictments starting at Obama and working down. It seems all the legal minds agree that the system was expanded then misused to illegally collect political information (along with everything else) and that at least some of this was done without legal warrants then released to people without clearance which then used it for purely political reasons. Unbelievable. If Trump is serious then he or Sessions need to direct that a real investigation takes place and that warrants for arrest are issued where appropriate. This, the Russian crap, the media harping over the cost of a coat for Milena Trump (which they paid for unlike what the Obama’s and Clinton’s were famous for) make the US look like a third world country without the good sense to have a revolution.

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