Court Deports Illegal Immigrant Who Committed Voter Fraud – IOTW Report

Court Deports Illegal Immigrant Who Committed Voter Fraud


The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Monday that Margarita Del Pilar Fitzpatrick, a resident alien who registered to vote illegally, can be deported for the act despite her claim that she did so at the direction of a DMV employee.

Fitzpatrick arrived in the country in 2002 and is married to a U.S. citizen. Fitzpatrick applied for an Illinois driver’s licence a few years after arriving in the country, court records show. During the process, the DMV clerk asked Fitzpatrick if she wished to register to vote, telling her “it’s up to you.”

In her appeal, Fitzpatrick’s lawyer, Richard Hanus, argued that the DMV employee’s direction constituted “official approval,” and that Fitzpatrick should therefore not be held responsible for her actions. Of course, it doesn’t take a law degree to know the “I was just following orders” defense does not routinely absolve culpability in a crime.

“This case demonstrates just how weak our voter registration system is with respect to preventing illegal activity up front,” Logan Churchwell, spokesman for the Public Interest Legal Foundation, told LifeZette in a written statement.

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10 Comments on Court Deports Illegal Immigrant Who Committed Voter Fraud

  1. I know someone who has since become a naturalized citizen but was a green card holder when she got her driver’s license. She was aggressively urged to register to vote at the California DMV, but refused to do so.

    However, My American Citizen son who filled out the voter registration form at the DMV when he got his license at 18, somehow didn’t get entered into the system. He didn’t realize the DMV failed to register him until it was too late to register, so he didn’t get to vote. Maybe the fat, lazy Affirmative Action hires at the DMV would have registered him if he had registered as a Democrat.

  2. I’m asking everyone to pleases pray for the president because I just receive a article that Obama and is brown shirt are Marching in front of the White House .He is getting ready to destroy trump

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