Court Docs: Ashley Biden’s Diary Was Abandoned Alongside Biden Foundation Bag, Other ‘Personal Effects’ – IOTW Report

Court Docs: Ashley Biden’s Diary Was Abandoned Alongside Biden Foundation Bag, Other ‘Personal Effects’

National File:
A new court filing from lawyers representing Project Veritas in the federal investigation regarding the alleged theft of Ashley Biden’s diary – published by National File in its entirety last year – reveals new information about how the diary from Joe Biden’s troubled daughter was obtained.

In a new court document, Project Veritas now claims “a tipster” called the media company around September 3, 2020 claiming that “a new occupant moved into a place where Ashley Biden had previously been staying and found Ms. Biden’s diary and other personal items” upon arrival. According to Project Veritas, the “tipster” described the diary as “pretty crazy” and “worth taking a look at.”

“Project Veritas learned that Ashley Biden’s other abandoned personal effects in the sources’ possession included an overnight bag with the ‘B. Biden Foundation’ logo and miscellaneous personal items,” wrote the outlet’s lawyers. “The source who found Ms. Biden’s abandoned diary and another source brought the diary to Project Veritas in New York. The sources arranged to meet the Project Veritas journalist in Florida soon thereafter to give the journalist additional abandoned items.”

As National File reported, a whistleblower from within Project Veritas provided the diary to National File after learning the the company did not intend to publish it. more here

11 Comments on Court Docs: Ashley Biden’s Diary Was Abandoned Alongside Biden Foundation Bag, Other ‘Personal Effects’

  1. “…a whistleblower from within Project Veritas provided the diary to National File after learning the the company did not intend to publish it…”

    Could it be that PV, which specializes in placing mole in leftist groups, got hit with their own tactic? Possibly by the FBI, whoch also deals heavily in moles? Or the NYT, which had a mole/reporter, Ali Watkins, sleeping with the head of the Senate security staff?

    Something fishy about this whole thing. Reeks of setup. PV was smart to not publish, but somebody needed the info leaked to further an agenda.

  2. The diary and the laptop, abandoned by these drug addled losers (no doubt dizzy from the revolving door of re-hab centers), have given us unprecedented insight to both Jackass Joe’s F-uped family and the FBI!

  3. Courts established decades ago that News media is not criminally liable if they receive stolen documents. So, even if the diary was stolen (which it wasn’t) PV would not be subject to criminal prosecution (in a normal world), unless they actually broke in and stole the book.

  4. Does anyone on the left notice how the media struggled in vain to find something, ANYTHING, some dirt on the Trump kids for over 5 years, without success, but seem strangely silent on the Ashley Biden diary scandal, not to mention all the dirt on Hunter, and the rest of the Biden criminal empire?

  5. Let’s imagine what they were whispering to each other when that photo was taken.
    slowjoe – stand next to me for a photo
    ashley – you’re not going to touch me again, are you?
    slowjoe – of course not, but I might smell your hair.
    ashley – I hate you. You are a sick pervert.
    slowjoe – Remember the showers when you were a kid?
    ashley – I’ll scream if you touch me!
    slowjoe – There’s 20 million left for you in my will. If you scream it all goes to hunter…he’s so smart.
    ashley – I love you dad…

  6. The daughter ‘troubled’ with ‘pretty crazy’ diary entries is the result of being raped by your father who’s a known supremacist and pedophile who also raped a young minor black female.

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