Court Gives Joint Custody Of Child To the Man That Fathered the Baby Through Child Rape – IOTW Report

Court Gives Joint Custody Of Child To the Man That Fathered the Baby Through Child Rape

I guess this is progressivism. Sounds ridiculous, but what do I know? I’m deplorable.


A man who raped a girl when she was 12-years-old has now been awarded joint custody of her child, despite being convicted of rape and sexual assault of another child.

Christopher Mirasalo, 27, from Brown City, Michigan, assaulted the victim nine years ago, getting her pregnant in the process. A judge awarded Mirasalo parenting time and joint legal custody after a paternity test concluded that he was the father of the child.

Since being convicted in 2008, Mirasalo has been convicted of another sexual assault of child, and served four years in prison for it.

The victim, now 21-years-old, is seeking protection under the federal Rape Survival Child Custody Act to try and halt Mirasalo’s access, according to The Detroit News.

According to the victim’s attorney, Mirasalo forcibly raped and threatened to kill her client in September 2008. He was sentenced to one year in prison for that offense, but only served six and a half months.

ht/ Shazaam


24 Comments on Court Gives Joint Custody Of Child To the Man That Fathered the Baby Through Child Rape

  1. People need to die.

    Mr. Child rapist for starters. then the judge and then the lawyer who took on Mr. Child rapist as a client.

    The progressive left wants to destroy the social contract that we leave it to a jury then fine and dandy. Welcome back vigilantly justice.

  2. It reads like it was assistant prosecutor, Eric Scott was the lynchpin. He lied about the woman’s permission in the court proceedings. So he’s going to hell too. Maybe sooner than he planned. BB’s first comment – spot on.

  3. A convicted child-rapist …

    I don’t understand … why is this guy breathing?
    How does he have any “rights” whatsoever?
    He surrendered his “rights” when he committed the crimes (plural).

    I guess this is some kind of adoption of sharia.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I don’t know the political leanings of the judge or the ADA, but I would hazard a guess that they are pro-abortion liberals. Their side can point at this and say “See, THIS is why we need abortion, to keep this terrible fate from befalling another innocent woman.”

  5. There is no punishment too great for a child rapist, or any rapist for that matter. Any attorney that knows the truth and defends them should at least be disbarred. Yes, that includes HRC. Not only was this 12 year old young lady raped by this beast she is now being raped by the courts. I sincerely hope she finds justice somewhere somehow.

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