Court grants temporary order blocking Biden administration from lifting Title 42 before May 23 – IOTW Report

Court grants temporary order blocking Biden administration from lifting Title 42 before May 23


Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt said Monday that his office obtained a temporary restraining order blocking the Biden administration from lifting Title 42, a public health order that has allowed the federal government to quickly expel migrants since March 2020. 

The Centers for Disease Control announced earlier this month that it would terminate Title 42 on May 23, saying that the order “suspending the right to introduce migrants into the United States is no longer necessary” due to “an increased availability of tools to fight COVID-19.” 

The temporary restraining order granted Monday prevents the Biden administration from taking any action on Title 42 before a hearing on May 13, which will determine whether the public health order can be lifted later in the month. 

The lawsuit was originally filed by Missouri, Louisiana, and Arizona in the U.S. District Court in Louisiana. Several other states have since joined the lawsuit. 

Border Patrol is already not using Title 42 to expel some migrants from the Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, instead processing them via Title 8 and expedited removal, Fox News reported last week.  more

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