Court hears case on Biden White House allegedly pressuring Twitter about COVID misinformation – IOTW Report

Court hears case on Biden White House allegedly pressuring Twitter about COVID misinformation

Just The News

Presidents use the bully pulpit to pressure private actors to do their will, whether John F. Kennedy to lower steel prices or Joe Biden to stop purported COVID-19 misinformation. Is that policy advocacy or unconstitutional coercion? 

The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, in oral argument Thursday, grappled with the consequences of arguably censoring the executive branch to prevent it from indirectly censoring Twitter users and whether the Department of Health and Human Services could legally remedy whatever actions Twitter takes against users.

The three-judge panel, all appointed by Republican presidents, seemed receptive to the argument that Twitter’s sanctions against users got stiffer after public pressure from the White House, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy and other federal officials.  read more here

4 Comments on Court hears case on Biden White House allegedly pressuring Twitter about COVID misinformation

  1. These writers apparently don’t know what the “bully pulpit” is.

    Disinformation such as “safe and effective” vaccines?

    Disinformation such as masking and 6 feet of space?

    Disinformation such as intubation and Remdesivir?

  2. This is from a long, but extermely detailed, article on how the killing came not from Covid, but from incompetent doctors and fearmongering Democrats. Its worth the read.
    it was not covid that did this killing. it was covid response and the derangement of medicine and medical and social practice.

    here’s a clear and classic example from early covid: ventilators.

    “vent early, vent hard” was the suddenly ascendant treatment modality. it ran riot in new york and many other parts of the world. it was used not just to treat patients but to “protect doctors” under the misbegotten theory that an intubated patient would not spread covid and that “doctors needed to be protected.”

    there was a whole national campaign to build more ventilators with everything but rosie the riveter. industries (even tesla) diverted from what they were doing to make them. patients were intubated when they should not have been. when this failed to work, they kept turning up the pressure on the vents.

    and this killed people wholesale.”

  3. SNS at 9:38 am This is from a long, but extermely detailed, article on how the killing came not from Covid, but from incompetent doctors and fearmongering Democrats.

    Once upon a time The government used to be satisfied with going to war against a few savage indians out west. Or a few religious nuts down south in TX. Or a few niggas on a bridge in AL. Or a few students in a colledge out in CA. This is the first time I know of where the government went to war against everybody. That marks a change.


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