Court Obliterates 50 Years of Environmental Regulations – IOTW Report

Court Obliterates 50 Years of Environmental Regulations

Red State

The US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit summarily vaporized 46 years of Federal environmental regulations. Writing in a case called Marin Audubon Society, et al v. FAA, et al, the majority of a three-judge panel ruled that the Council on Environmental Quality, a cabal inside the Executive Office of the President charged with ensuring that National Environmental Protection Act requirements are interpreted uniformly across the federal government, had illegally used the Federal Register to publish that guidance thereby giving citizens, agencies, and even the courts the impression that their internal guidance had the authority of law. More

13 Comments on Court Obliterates 50 Years of Environmental Regulations

  1. Good, this bureaucratic tyranny has hamstringed our economy while doing little or nothing to protect the environment. It’s just been another tool for commie assholes in government to shut down human progress.

  2. Dang! It’s like POTUS Trump (to be) said into the rear view mirror, “Don’t make me stop this car and come back there.” Just the threat of his presence in the WH is enough! LOL!

  3. There is so much Trump can do if only the republicans, both real and RINO’s will get in line and do the will of the people.
    I doubt all the senate or house R’s will but “We the People” have spoken in the last election. Not the real work starts. Time to roll up our sleeves and get our representatives to answer to us and not the big money that they adore.

  4. I certainly hope this gets some traction. A lot of the enviro. regs. from the last 30 years or so have gone so far as to be into the territory of actual negative returns. In other words, they cause more damage to the environment than they prevent. (electric cars for one glaring example).

  5. this is a result of the ‘sue and settle’ period
    knowing they couldn’t pass legislation, they allowed suits to be filed, and then settled with those suing, and then wrote the settlements in to regulations.
    then they enforced the regulations as if they were law
    not the way things are to be done in our country

  6. The Enviro-Nazis aren’t the only ones.
    The EPA must needs be abolished – it was an apple thrown to the Nazis to deflect them from persecuting President Nixon, and, of course, all it did was encourage them to greater vitriol.
    There is NO Constitutional mandate for the FedGov to “protect” the “environment” – none at all – wherever the Constitution is silent, the proposal is FORBIDDEN (the “logic” used to justify the War to Stop Southern Independence).
    But, of course, “judges” are mostly hypocrites and liars.

    Though it IS refreshing to see some reason and sense from ANY US Court of Appeals.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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