Court of Public Opinion – Apple River Murder Case – IOTW Report

Court of Public Opinion – Apple River Murder Case

Here is the raw video.

Is the man a murderer? Or is this an act of self-defense?

I didn’t want to taint the evidence; I thought the video could stand alone.

The main older man was looking for a cell phone dropped in the water. He went over to a gathering of tubers, thinking they might find it.

The kids thought he acted odd and began taunting him, telling him to leave. Another group of tubers who didn’t know the first group came over, and they joined in on the taunting. At one point, they started calling him a pedophile looking for little girls.

He gets nervous, and if you watch carefully, he takes out a knife. No one sees it. One kid pushes him in the water. And that’s when he starts to fight back, and he stabs 5 of them. One of them dies.

23 Comments on Court of Public Opinion – Apple River Murder Case

  1. It looks like self-defense to me, he was legitimately in fear of his life.

    He was getting pushed down into the water by the mob, all it would have taken is one or two attackers to hold him underwater and he would be dead.

  2. Assuming this is in WI? I went tubing there last year. Much drinking involved.

    And good luck finding a cellphone… easier and safer to just buy another one – especially if you’re barefoot. Broken beer and whiskey bottles are aplenty in those well traveled waters…

  3. They cry like bitches when he fights back.

    Groups of young people have always been garbage, but these last few generations are worse.

  4. Youngsters without common decency social manners. They both provoked and battered the man as a mob. The guy seemed off, as if maybe on the spectrum somewhere, and the kids probably were underage drinking. So stupid and senseless on their parts. Overall sad event.

  5. He seemed drunk, but that group of kids were drunk off their ass, I read somewhere they admitted they had been drinking a lot. They thought it was funny to pick on an old man, so basically imho they played stupid games and won stupid prizes and sadly a life was lost.

    Raise your kids better is all I can say.

  6. Pause that video past the two minute mark a couple times and get a look at the expressions on those kids faces. It’s your standard wolf pack mentality and it’s all fun and games until your prey turns on you. This guy was assaulted several times. I think the strange look on his face was due to the fact that he’d never been in a combative situation like this before. The knifes a little strange. But it’s certainly not against the law to carry a knife.
    Not guilty.

  7. That “Wolf Pack” thing is a misnomer. They should call it a herd of pig mentality. Because like a heard of pigs if you make one squeal real loud the rest will leave you alone.

  8. A case of FAFO. They were unified and aggressive, he was by himself and passive. Once they knocked him down and someone punched him on the head I thought, well, here it comes. Self defense.


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