Court Rules CNN Peddles Fake News – IOTW Report

Court Rules CNN Peddles Fake News

Law Newz-

Those who accuse CNN and other mainstream media outlets of “fake news” will probably revel in a recent decision by a federal judge in Atlanta, Georgia. While Judge Orinda Evans didn’t all out declare that CNN was peddling in falsehoods, she did take aim at the network in an initial judgment in favor of a former hospital CEO who sued CNN accusing them of purposely skewing statistics to reflect poorly on a West Palm Beach hospital. Judge Evans didn’t mince words in her 18-page order allowing the case to move forward, and dismissing CNN’s attempt to get it thrown out of court.

Davide Carbone, former CEO of St. Mary’s Medical Center in West Palm Beach, filed a defamation lawsuit against CNN after they aired what he claims were a “series of false and defamatory news reports” regarding the infant mortality rate at the hospital. CNN’s report said the mortality rate was three times the national average. However, Mr. Carbone contends that CNN “intentionally”  manipulated statistics to bolster their report. He also claims that CNN purposely ignored information that would look favorable to the hospital in order to sensationalize the story.


7 Comments on Court Rules CNN Peddles Fake News

  1. When the (formerly Free) Press could point to a tradition of impartiality and straight reporting, they could make a reasonable assertion that they should be protected by the First Amendment.

    Now? That defense was taken away when the (formerly Free) Press went hard left.

  2. Just googling around St Mary’s is a stand alone children’s hospital wit a level III neonatal ICU. They care for the sickest babies, including those born at 24 weeks, weighing 1000gms or more, babies who cannot be cared for in a regular hospital at the appropriate level of care.

    I’m no statistician (math is hard) but it seems like ST Mary’s cares for the sickest babies needing level III care, the most intensive specialized care available for babies.

  3. Judge said CNN may have acted with “actual malace.” Wow!I recall seeing this story and reacted the way CNN wanted me to react. They made that administrator look like he was knowingly putting babies in danger.

    This is a whole different class of fake news. This is truly evil on the part of CNN and everyone involved in the production of this story.

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