Court Rules for the First Time That an Insured Business Can Seek Damages Over COVID-19 Shutdown Losses – IOTW Report

Court Rules for the First Time That an Insured Business Can Seek Damages Over COVID-19 Shutdown Losses

Gateway Pundit: An appellate court has ruled for the first time that an insured restaurant can seek COVID-19 shutdown damages.

The Oceana Grill on Bourbon St. in New Orleans had originally lost their request to seek damages from its insurer, but that decision has now been reversed on appeal.

“The physical presence of COVID-19 substantially diminished the usable space of the property, as tables needed to be pushed farther apart, and resulted in economic losses due to the slowdown of the appellants’ business,” Chief Judge Terri Love wrote in the ruling.

Cajun Conti, the company that owns Oceana Grill, sued Lloyd’s of London for damages on the day they were shut down — March 20, 2020. They argued that COVID-19 had caused property damage by forcing it to close — and eventually reduce the amount of seating in the establishment to comply with social distancing rules. more

12 Comments on Court Rules for the First Time That an Insured Business Can Seek Damages Over COVID-19 Shutdown Losses

  1. NIdahoCatholic
    JUNE 20, 2022 AT 10:44 AM
    “The damages should be levied against the individuals in local government responsible for the “lockdown.””

    …We have taxpayer-funded insurance policies of our own if someone ever did, but you can’t sue us because, sovereign immunity, which means the Government says you can’t sue the Government.

    Don’t like it?

    Talk to John Roberts.

  2. @Ghost of Burner June 20, 2022 at 11:49 am

    > this was an act of Gov’t, not God

    The Government (singular) of The Free West is God (monotheist)!

    You feelthy, reatrded, tarrorist!

  3. “The general consensus was that the pandemic wouldn’t qualify for business interruption assistance, as it was created to cover closures due to property damage from natural disasters.”

    This wasn’t a “natural disaster”. It was a deliberate, systematic and malicious attack on the Americans people by The Party. From November 2019 through January 2020 I was posting right here on this site that The Party was getting ready to launch a major offensive operation. I didn’t know the exact details, but there could be absolutely no mistaking the fact that they were shutting down the public comment feature on most every newspaper and many internet sites and explanation for this was so obviously consistent one to the next that the likelihood they were not coordinating is somewhere between little and none.

  4. Ghost of Burner
    JUNE 20, 2022 AT 11:49 AM
    “^^^ yeah, but this was an act of Gov’t, not God.”

    …still an act of war, from an insurance point of view.

    Even if it’s a genocidal one by our “own” government.

    They don’t care if its World or Civil.

    Just whatever gets them out of the claim will do.

  5. NIdahoCatholic June 20, 2022 at 10:44 am

    The damages should be levied against the individuals in local government responsible for the “lockdown.”

    Either way, the taxpayer is going to pay. Life insurance companies are going to go bankrupt. One such company saw an increase in death payouts of 141%. Soon they won’t pay out – some companies won’t pay calling it suicide, no one forced you to take the jab…right? Get the jab meet the slab.


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