Court rules ‘Gender Queer’ too obscene for viewing by minors – IOTW Report

Court rules ‘Gender Queer’ too obscene for viewing by minors

P M: On Wednesday, the Circuit Court for the City of Virginia Beach deemed two novels to be “obscene for unrestricted viewing by minors,” including the widely controversial graphic novel “Gender Queer, A Memoir.”

Virginia Republican congressional candidate Tommy Altman brought his concerns regarding these “obscene” materials, which have been distributed amongst grade school libraries across the state, to the court, petitioning for parents to have the right to make decisions on whether their children have access to materials containing sexual content.

“Gender Queer,” written by Maia Kobabe, has gained widespread criticism across the country for depicting in the comic-style book scenes of teens engaging in sexual acts. more

8 Comments on Court rules ‘Gender Queer’ too obscene for viewing by minors

  1. Tough break groomers. Think it’s getting harder for you now. Just wait until we start throwing your pervert asses from the top floors of public parking garages.

  2. Fukin’ Freaks and Faggots are turning normal Americans that used to tolerate their lifestyle into queer hating zealots who have run out of tolerance!

  3. Now parents/grandparents and other concerned adults need to get rid of the people who allowed these books into the schools in the first place. The books didn’t just grow feet and walk into the schools on their own. There are laws in place about giving pornography to kids and these laws were broken by school administrators, teachers, librarians, and school boards.

  4. “Now parents/grandparents and other concerned adults need to get rid of the people who allowed these books into the schools in the first place.”

    AA. I assume you mean by shooting them in the face. Finally, we agree on something. LOL.

  5. The vile money-grubbing poverty-loving AOC is promoting the book’s use in NYC public schools, all while forcing the people in her districts to starve from perpetual hunger and despairing poverty. No kidding.

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