Court Rules Undercover Videos Of Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Body Parts As Authentic – IOTW Report

Court Rules Undercover Videos Of Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Body Parts As Authentic

Federalist: The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the state of Texas can strip taxpayer subsidies from Planned Parenthood, primarily based on evidence found in undercover videos of the abortion provider’s involvement in harvesting and selling aborted baby body parts for profit.

The undercover videos in question were first released in 2015 by David Daleiden, founder and project lead at the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), and scrutinized by Planned Parenthood and members of the media as “deceptively edited.”  MORE HERE

20 Comments on Court Rules Undercover Videos Of Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Body Parts As Authentic

  1. Sometimes history moves at too slow a pace for us to be satisfied, but the way science has advanced, which informed so many young people at the March for Life March and their supporters, along with videos and court rulings like this show that this evil supported by our country will be curtailed.

    Every step forward is a repudiation of the past 50 years of support for abortion and those who profit from it.

  2. What a contrast.
    Didn’t the crazy Ninth Circuit Court want to jail the filmmaker?
    Even though he exposed the kind of human horror that should alarm every decent human* in the country?

    *Democrats excluded, of course. They want Americans to die.

  3. “The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the state of Texas can strip taxpayer subsidies from Planned Parenthood…”

    That’s nice and appropriate that they ruled that the State of Texas CAN strip taxpayer subsidies from Planned Parenthood…

    But WILL they?

    Last time I looked, Austin was the State Capital.

    And it’s very, very liberal.

    …let’s see what happens next…

  4. In Australia, there is a new study underway which might interest you folk: using kangaroo tendons — six times stronger than human tendons — to help injured athletes:

    The study seems promising, but, of course, the morality of it all….?

    ….Lady in Red

    PS: I don’t know if there are any videos.

  5. Oh, Mr. Burr! ….smile…. I’m sure that, somewhere, kangaroos are *not* “dicks.”

    In India, you’d be hard pressed to kill and eat a cow.

    Everybody seems to have all the right rules for everybody. Sometimes, it is dizzying. In the last analysis we are all really God’s humble animals. That’s all.

    (The dolphins may be smarter, but don’t want to let us know…?)

    The Bible-thumpers are so damn arrogant about “our” vast importance. ….smile… ….and watch the Wolf Blood Moon eclipse tonight and think.

    ….Lady in Red

  6. @Lady in Red, @Aaron Burr – Whether or not kangaroos are dicks is neither here nor there. What’s pertinent is that kangaroos have no rights. Until a kangaroo hops up to me and offers to enter into a contractual agreement and understand what that means, it isn’t sufficiently sapient to have any rights, and I will remain its moral master.

    So THERE! Mr. Hopper. Fork over those tendons!

  7. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. You went left on me, Uncle Al. What does all this have to do with unborn human fetus parts?

    Dogs, cats, have no rights? …along with kangaroos? What, as “moral masters” are we entitled to “do” to them? ….Lady in Red

  8. No, no. Roo’s really are dicks. I used to live there, remember?

    They taste like crap but make excellent belts.

    I was in a VW bus that hit one. Bus had those big pipes welded on front so the bus was ok, but everyone inside was pretty banged up. That fuckin roo was hollerin’ like a stuck pig. For what? jumping in front of us? Fuck that marsupial. Wish I was the one who shot it.

  9. No, Mr. Burr….. I didn’t know you had a Crocodile Dundee life.

    Really, however, we *are* all God’s critters, no more, no less.

    Here’s a short video of Papa Kangaroo, his Baby Joey, and the dead Momma.

    Seems pretty human, eh? (I will say: there are wildlife “experts” who contend the male was merely trying to fuck the dead female. Who’s to know?)

    …..Lady in Red

  10. The human embryo has an immortal soul, of higher order than any animal. It is arrogance to deny the sanctity of innocent human life in order to justify destroying it. More than arrogance – an offense against the Author and Creator of life. Good bye Planned Parenthood and all the evil you have wrought.

  11. Look, you don’t wanna’ have sex with a kangaroo. They’ll wine you and dine and then hop out of your life.

    Also, koalas are where chlamydia comes from.

    The only animals that are nice in Australia are usually served on a plate.


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