Courtney Love Calls Out Pro-Terrorist Muslim Linda Sarsour on Twitter – Calls Her an Anti-Semite UnAmerican Fraud – IOTW Report

Courtney Love Calls Out Pro-Terrorist Muslim Linda Sarsour on Twitter – Calls Her an Anti-Semite UnAmerican Fraud

I never gave up on the drug-addled Courtney Love. I still have her debut album on Spotify. This thread on Twitter is sublime. Almost orgasmic. The left must be reeling, not sure what to do.

Courtney Love went on Twitter to call a pro-terrorist Muslim, who has hitched her wagon to feminism, as an unAmerican, anti-semite fake and fraud.

She even posted a Daily Caller link as part of her tirade, causing the lefties in the thread to go apoplectic.

Linda Sarsour’s latest cause was to raise money for a Muslim woman who, according to Sarsour, was a victim of a hate crime.

The police investigated and said no hate crime occurred. Sarsour persisted. Enter Courtney Love to spread on Twitter that Sarsour is a fraud.

There’s more. Much, much more HERE– including Courtney saying, “I know a rat when I see one.”

ht/ Pamela Geller

18 Comments on Courtney Love Calls Out Pro-Terrorist Muslim Linda Sarsour on Twitter – Calls Her an Anti-Semite UnAmerican Fraud

  1. Extra points for using YOU’RE and NOR and other spelling and grammar correctly. Girl’s got some grounding in that department and now that she’s maturing, it all comes together to dismiss the silly arguments (and fights picked) from the undereducated poseurs.

  2. The Trump Effect continues.

    This exchange would never have taken place under President Hilary Clinton.

    And when Trump finally classifies Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR as terrorist organizations, Sarsour and her fellow infiltrators will be offline.
    No wifi at Gitmo.

  3. Dang, I shoulda bought stock in Orville Redenbacher or Jiffy Pop, this just keeps getting better! I think Rufus is right, can’t see this happening under HRC.

  4. I’m impressed if also surprised. Never cared for her musically(I think someone posted here once files of her performing with her voice isolated and again with her guitar…she can neither sing or play well at all), but admittedly, I had a thing for her when she “cleaned up” during her acting period. I found her attractive, then she went for the plastic surgery…not so much since. After this I may have to put her back in my crush file.

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