Courtney Love “Risks Libel” in 2005 With Warning To Young Girls Arriving in Hollywood – IOTW Report

Courtney Love “Risks Libel” in 2005 With Warning To Young Girls Arriving in Hollywood

Courtney will be subpoenaed before congress to explain her statement.

HT/ Petrus


14 Comments on Courtney Love “Risks Libel” in 2005 With Warning To Young Girls Arriving in Hollywood

  1. I have no problem with Courtney Love. I never paid much attention to her. But I guess she had to put up with Harvey the degenerate to advance in Hollywood.
    My problem today was, after mowing the lawn, what the fuck to do.
    The NFL was out, Jets V Patriots, Patriots? WTF?
    They were on from 1pm to 4pm on Channel 2.
    So what did I do?
    I watched “AGENDA Grinding America Down.” for over an hour.
    I would ask you patriots to view it in it’s entirety.
    And give me a drop dead or thumbs up.
    Watch to the end and receive 500 iotw dollars from me.

  2. Old homo Woody Allen fears a witch hunt is brewing… good. The old homo knows he is next. I cant wait to hear the men come out and tell about homo Woody.

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