COVER-UP: Whitmer Admin Says ‘Records Do Not Exist’ Pertaining to $25 Million Dominion Contract Set Up by Democrat Official – IOTW Report

COVER-UP: Whitmer Admin Says ‘Records Do Not Exist’ Pertaining to $25 Million Dominion Contract Set Up by Democrat Official


A second Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by Big League Politics pertaining to the $25 million Dominion contract set up by a Democrat official has been partially denied by the state of Michigan.

Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s goons at the Department of Technology, Management, and Budget (DTMB) claim that “records do not exist” showing how the Dominion contract impacted Michigan elections after it was enacted in 2017 and then expanded shortly before the election.

“It is hereby certified that, to the best of the undersigned’s knowledge, information, and belief, the public record does not exist under the name given by the requester or by another name reasonably known to the public body, to wit, DTMB does not possess records as to how contract 071B7700117 affected elections in the state of Michigan or how the $800.000 increase affected the 2020 primary and general elections in the state,” wrote Tamara J. Cooper, whose title is listed as Assistant FOIA Coordinator & State Ad Board Claims Technician, Knowledge Center.


14 Comments on COVER-UP: Whitmer Admin Says ‘Records Do Not Exist’ Pertaining to $25 Million Dominion Contract Set Up by Democrat Official

  1. I’m a little confused about what was being asked for, exactly what documents were being requested and what was the reason they were known to exist?

    Or was this just a request to see if such documents existed?

  2. Are they saying they have no idea what they are asking for?? If you put a “dash” in a word in the request does that mean it will bounce?? I call BS, $25 million spent and they can’t produce the payment record. Heads need to roll and jail time given. WTF are judges no longer required to have any part of a brain???

  3. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…

    Listen, this is EXACTLY the setup Powell describes in which the Commie Democrat-controlled state or county gov’t buys Dominion (and related) voting systems in order to “insure” their own future election/re-election, and a little sumpin’ sumpin’ in terms of a kickback.


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