COVID-19 first appeared in a group of Chinese miners in 2012, scientists say – IOTW Report

COVID-19 first appeared in a group of Chinese miners in 2012, scientists say

NYP: The coronavirus may not have originated at a Wuhan wet market last year but 1,000 miles away in 2012 — deep in a Chinese mineshaft where workers came down with a mysterious, pneumonia-like illness after being exposed to bats.

Virologist Jonathan Latham and molecular biologist Allison Wilson, both of the non-profit Bioscience Resource Project in Ithaca, arrived at their finding after translating a 66-page master’s thesis from the Chinese medical doctor who treated the miners and sent their tissue samples to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for testing. more

15 Comments on COVID-19 first appeared in a group of Chinese miners in 2012, scientists say

  1. Nice to know, I guess. But you are focusing in the wrong direction. Instead spend time asking who gains when the world has been turned upside down because of it. WTF??

  2. Here is some Good Advise:

    Don’t believe anything you hear and only 10% of what you see with your own eyes. This is especially true during election season.


  3. @Mr. Anth Ropy — That’s my conclusion as well.

    Miners get sick in 2012. Symptoms pretty much what’s seen with today’s Wuhan Fever. Samples sent to Wuhan virus lab. Involved doctor concludes it was a bat virus that had adapted (“passaged”) to humans. It sure looks like the virus lab was indeed the source of the pandemic, but there’s no evidence (yet) the release was deliberate nor that the released virus had been modified in any way by the lab.

    This is more evidence that the virus came from China, and it was in Wuhan where it first broke out into the open environment.

    China is assho.

  4. I still think they were playing around with the structure of the virus at the lab and some peon who took care of the lab animals thought he/she could make extra money selling the sick ones at the wet market instead of euthanizing and incinerating them.

  5. That doesn’t exactly explain why the CCP and the WHO refused to come clean on what was happening in 2019 and 2020. Who (not WHO) gives a damn what happened in 2012?

  6. Where is this group of Chinese minors? I’d like to get my hands on those minors. The thing about Chinese minors is that 2 hours later, you are horny for more. I love Chinese minors jumping on my lap

  7. Tell me again as to why we should trust China to be looking out for America’s best interest given their questionable history of truth bending in general???

  8. Bio weapon’s festering in Chyna’s Backyard.

    Why would they not develop/modify them and loose control with their shitty safety standards just like the safety standards on everything they make?

  9. The Chicoms have been lying about the source of the virus from day one. The Wuhan wet market had no Horseshoe bats to sell. The nearest caves where they are found in China are over 900 miles from Wuhan. Chinese sources show that Dr. Bat Lady in the Wuhan Virology labs was researching “gain on function” in the Covid-19 virus. “Gain on function” is science speak for how to make a virus more infectious and to infect species other than bats. This virus most assuredly came from one of the two virology labs in Wuhan or some other Chicom lab.

  10. So what if it was originally found in a mine? It was taken by Chinese scientists and supercharged then released as a weapon on the world with the cooperation of people like Bill Gates and like minded globalists.


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