COVID Legislative News: Good and Bad – IOTW Report

COVID Legislative News: Good and Bad

Robert Malone

There has been some good news on the legislative front in the past week. But unfortunately, there are still a number of bills and regulatory policies pending that could change the very nature of a pandemic response worldwide. Policy that would allow public health to easily gain control of government during a bio-threat emergency. Policy that might allow public health to be weaponized for other purposes. What happens when emergency powers are written so that they can be granted for a severe flu season? Could we expect lock downs, masks, mandatory vaccination, censorship, propaganda and social distancing as seasonal events? What happens when there is civil unrest and these measures are used to control dissent.

Who will be in control of such policies? Will these decisions be made at the Federal level, the European Union, the UN and/or the World Health Organization (WHO)? Will the US government or other government cede control to outside entities, such as the WHO or the UN during a pandemic? These aren’t just hypothetical questions – but possible future realities.

Who gets to decide when emergency powers are authorized A governor? The President? The Senate? Congress? The director of the WHO? When and how do those powers end? Obviously, what is happening is a slippery slope.

Unfortunately, much of this pending legislation at the international level has been kept out of the public eye and is not readily transparent or available to be analyzed. Furthermore, the media is not doing its job in making these pending public policy measures available for people to assess for themselves.

But for today’s Substack, let’s now concentrate on the USA. Below is a breakdown of pending and recently passed COVID legislation in the states.

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11 Comments on COVID Legislative News: Good and Bad

  1. I’m typing this at a BMV. Gotta renew my plates. No one here is wearing a mask.

    Same thing at the post office I was at yesterday.

    Even servants of Leviathan aren’t buying this nonsense any more.

    Only the doctors are still cowards.

  2. Quite frankly, I’m done with all of it. I just don’t care anymore. Fortunately, for the time being, I live in a semi-sane area of the country. However, should the PTB lose their minds and start up some bullshit, let’s just say I’ll be policing a lot of brass.

    I’m just trying to be the “gray man” and live my life a peacefully as possible. I have my line in the sand drawn. I will emphatically enforce it. I have informed my family of said decisions. If it’s the end of me, so be it. I will not comply, nor will I go down quietly. I just want to be left alone.

    In short, leave me be, or fuck around and find out. Peace be with you all.

  3. California is known for electing retards to public office, and the proposed Covid legislation in that state is (again) proof positive of that. Actually, having given the matter some thought, and having actually met quite a few California politicians, and having met some actual retarded persons, I owe the retarded community a huge apology.


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