Covid Positive Pelosi Kissed Biden on Tuesday – IOTW Report

Covid Positive Pelosi Kissed Biden on Tuesday

18 Comments on Covid Positive Pelosi Kissed Biden on Tuesday

  1. I heard from a friend who went to Georgetown at the same time that Pelosi attended Trinity College, that she was a super spreader back then. All the boys loved her.

  2. Ooooh, and she has a long handshake with Obomba including prolonged hugging and facial proximity with extended air exchange. (And then, at the last second The One wants his hand back and tries to get away. It took long enough. His nose must not be too sensitive from all the cocaine sniffing.)

  3. Hope they all die.
    There isn’t a single redeeming factor in the whole sewer of DC.

    Well, maybe the rats or the rabid foxes …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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