COVID Rages At Cornell Despite A 95% Vaccination Rate On Campus – IOTW Report

COVID Rages At Cornell Despite A 95% Vaccination Rate On Campus

College Fix

Cornell University has aggressively pushed its students to get vaccinated, announcing a vaccine mandate for the 2021-22 academic year in April and frequently denying religious and medical exemptions.

As a result, 95 percent of the campus population, both students and faculty, is vaccinated.

Despite this, Cornell University has more than five times the amount of confirmed positive cases during its first week of this academic year than it did during its first week of the 2020-21 academic year, according to the Cornell COVID dashboard. More

54 Comments on COVID Rages At Cornell Despite A 95% Vaccination Rate On Campus

  1. I remain confused….
    Did someone develop a new test that identifies the coof? Or is the seasonal flu running amok through the “vaccinated”..

  2. 𝓒𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓴𝓮𝓻𝓫𝓪𝓫𝔂
    SEPTEMBER 7, 2021 AT 12:31 PM
    “I remain confused….”

    …which is exactly what they’re going for.

    Etiquette was invented by the Borbon kings to tie up and wear out people who might otherwise challenge their power with an unending stream of bullshit nonsense they HAD to follow or they would be ostracized from “polite society”. This left them weary and confused about the ever-changing rules that were delibetately nonsensical and illogical in order to make them harder to follow, leaving anyone who could be a threat too fatigued to do anything of any significance that could interfere with the king’s enjoyment of power.

    Its the same thing here, just with a seasonal flu blown up to monster movie size by a synchophant 4th Estate.

    …Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose…

  3. judgeroybean
    I don’t remember which company that was going to up heath insurance rate for the non-vax by $200 per month.
    Life insurance will be the same.
    Just think how much money hospitals are raking in on the all those with the JAB.

  4. How long are they going to get away with this?

    It is working like it was planned to work.

    A lady was telling me today that a doctor had received his second shot in June and is now in the hospital on machines to keep him alive. He caught a cold, was one of those doctors who wears a mask and makes everyone else wear a mask, he got worse then had a major stroke.

    That is exactly what the doctors who have been silenced have said since the beginning would happen as soon as they were exposed to any flu or corona virus.

  5. Groucho you really have serious mental issues.

    Maybe part of your problem is you look on the internet for lies from the media that fits your agenda? Maybe you should get off the internet and interact with people and listen to them.

    I have yet to talk to one regular person who doesn’t know someone who died or had serious complications from the shots and I do a lot of traveling with people from all over the country.


    From the link:

    Real-World Data Show Most of Infected are Fully ‘Vaccinated’

    Real-world data from areas with high COVID jab rates show the complete converse of what media, the CDC and White House officials are telling us. In addition to the British Technical Briefing No. 16,15 cited above, we have additional data from Israel, Scotland, Massachusetts and Gibraltar:

    • August 1, 2021, director of Israel’s Public Health Services, Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, announced half of all COVID-19 infections were among the fully vaccinated.16 Signs of more serious disease among fully vaccinated are also emerging, she said, particularly in those over the age of 60.

    A few days later, August 5, Dr. Kobi Haviv, director of the Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem, appeared on Channel 13 News, reporting that 95% of severely ill COVID-19 patients are fully vaccinated, and that they make up 85% to 90% of COVID-related hospitalizations overall.17 As of August 2, 2021, 66.9% of Israelis had received at least one dose of Pfizer’s injection, which is used exclusively in Israel; 62.2% had received two doses.18

    • In Scotland, official data on hospitalizations and deaths show 87% of those who have died from COVID-19 in the third wave that began in early July were vaccinated.19

  7. Groucho, you can kiss my old racist white woman ass.

    Your poison shot has killed 3 members of my family. So I will continue to tell the truth about the damn thing. Not one single member of my family or my circle of friends died from Covid, yet along comes your shot that obviously doesn’t keep you from getting covid or spreading covid and now 3 are dead.

    I have no idea what your damn death jab will do to those of us who weren’t stupid enough to play guinea pig, so yeah I’m little obsessed with the death jab and pissed off about the death jab.

    I’m also pissed that people like you keep spreading how dangerous how Ivermectin is when any farmer/rancher out there knows that is bullshit. We’d all have been dead a long time ago if that was true.

    I don’t care what the media says, the media lies, they take their orders from the government who also lies, I also know many hospitals lie to keep that covid money flowing.
    Hell what they admit is bad enough that you’re not counted as fully vaccinated until two weeks after the first shot, so all of those people aren’t being counted and we already know how they cook the numbers. I guess though this country is special unlike Israel and only the unvaccinated are in the hospital or dying.

    I admit my obsession with warning people about the death jab, admit your mental issues.

  8. @Guess who – How would you know whether I am or not? But it matters not as you well know. The Pfizer jab is used in both Israel and Scotland, just as it is in the US. As noted in my previous post, 87% of the COVID deaths in Scotland since early July were people that were “vaccinated”.

    The FACT is that the non-vaccine jab does not appear to prevent serious illness or death as compared to the unvaccinated regardless of what country you live in when real numbers are examined. Propaganda is just that ….. lies told to convince people of something that isn’t true. I thought you were familiar with propaganda.

  9. Bubba’s Brother, but we’re special, that’s just in those countries it works better in ours.
    The truth is the CDC uses data going back to January and they admit they don’t count anyone who isn’t 2 weeks past the second jab. They also admitted they quit tracking breakthrough cases in May. If you count everyone as unvaccinated and only the few honest hospitals report those who are vaccinated, then you get 95% as unvaccinated.
    Just like you got higher covid deaths when you counted every death as covid.

  10. I’m your huckleberry,
    She doesn’t have to do ANYTHING except pay taxes and die.
    She needs to find another line of work – something useful rather than watching people die.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Groucho do you want me to clap for you? Insinuating my Mother and other family members who died were stupid and racist. My mom knew no better she did as she was told. If your daughter is anything like you I feel for her patients.

  12. …not speaking to COVID, but if you’ve spent any time at all in any phase of patient care (as I have), you’ve had patients die on you. Painfully, stupidly, die on you. Sometimes they cause OTHER patients to die from their stupidity.

    It happens.

    There’s a LOT of stupid.

    If you can’t deal with your patients occasionally dying painfully, stupidly, or both, even if you’re 100% sure it IS stupidity, maybe patient care, particularly energent and/or critical care, isn’t the right calling for you, and hospice care is right out.

    People die for bad reasons.

    People die for no reason.

    People die because of bad decisions.

    Always have, always will.

    If you can’t leave it at work when they do.

    Don’t do that job.

    I say this with concern and empathy and not malice or hate, but as one who’s been there, done that, literally has the T-shirt,

    For the sake of your OWN sanity, get away from it, or it WILL destroy you, and you wouldn’t be the FIRST, and won’t be the LAST…

  13. Dear Mr. I’m your huckleberry,
    If you want to believe bullshit and get the jab, go ahead! No skin off my ass.
    In fact, you can have mine and all the “boosters” that go along with it.
    I really don’t understand your obsession.
    I simply don’t give a fuck whether you do or don’t – or whether anyone else does or doesn’t – NONE OF MY FUCKING BUSINESS! Just as it’s NONE OF ANYONE ELSE’S BUSINESS whether I do or don’t! See how that works? It’s called FREEDOM.

    You remind me of those Puritan assholes (not to imply that you are one) who were always worried that someone, somewhere, might be enjoying himself. Is it your life’s work to be miserable? Over a hoax? Sad.

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. UK vaccinated deaths

    unvaccinated death rate of 0.0957 percent. 26 deaths were reported among the fully vaccinated individuals, compared to 34 deaths in the unvaccinated. The death rates among fully vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals were both below one percent

    You really should read the stories…


    Apparently UK healthcare sucks

  15. Groucho

    Here’s what you are not understanding, your body fat level, and your health are what determines your susceptibility to the RONA. So get the jab or not, the better shape you’re in, the better chance you have of surviving either. So go join a gym and put down the doughnut. Encourage your daughter to do the same, because we don’t want to watch either of you die.

  16. @comrade Guess who – The link I posted above discusses how the false “90% of COVID patients are unvaccinated” trope began and ORWW pointed it out as well. It’s the usual case of “figures don’t lie, but liars figure”. In this case, it is the CDC director lying (as usual) by using data from a period of time when practically no one was vaccinated and also making the dubious claim that people really weren’t vaccinated if they had gotten the second shot 2 weeks prior to infection. She inadvertently admitted this misrepresentation of the data in an interview she did, which is how we now know that the 90% figure was based on using old data.

    I thought you had enough real world experience with Marxism to know that the biggest liars and criminals on the planet is governments. Nothing new under the sun.

    Have you considered that if the “vaccine” is so safe effective, why is the government trying so hard to force people to get it by “black listing” those that have serious questions about it? If the jab was all it was made out to be, there would be no need to force people to get it. It’s like everything else in life – it’s a trade off between benefit and risk. The CDC’s own numbers show more than 13,000 people have died directly from the “vaccine” itself and it is common knowledge that this figure is likely understated by anywhere from 10 to 100 times the 13,000 number. Statistically, most of the population has a greater chance of dying or experiencing a life altering side effect from the vaccine than they have from contracting the virus and having a much more robust natural immunity once they recover. Using critical thinking skills, for most people, the potential benefits of the vaccine simply don’t outweigh the risks of getting it.


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