Covid Theater of the Absurd – IOTW Report

Covid Theater of the Absurd

16 Comments on Covid Theater of the Absurd

  1. It’s all theater, that is the essence of Covid.

    I recognized it right away because I have a LOT of experience with how progs operate. As a youngster growing up close to Seattle and Portland we visited frequently. I cannot tell you how many Goddamned obnoxious nasty little Greta Thunbergesque smart mouthed fucking brats I witnessed lecturing adults as adults who should have known better sat there watching with a smirk as their “precocious” offspring engaged in one way enlightenment of the benighted.

    The left is scripted and cliched, everything is straight out of the same dog eared and tattered playbook. It is the same template used over and over and over and unfortunately too many people lack the courage of their convictions and care more about avoiding conflict and have bought into the notion that getting along is the end all and be all. Getting along is good, but with every other good, once the left co opted it they weaponized it and used it to advance their agenda. People simply must wake up and stop conceding good intentions to the diabolical bastards and tell them flat out to fuck off.

  2. @ VeeedonFleece NOVEMBER 6, 2021 AT 8:52 AM

    I NEVER concede good intentions to progs. Period. Full stop. My mother labeled me reactionary by the age of ten or so. I figured out very early on that what other people think of me shrinks to insignificance in comparison to what I think of me. Either people really like me, or they absolutely can’t stand me. There is no in between. I NEVER do or say anything to get someone to like me. I do what I think is right and correct. I became that way after watching fellow students being conditioned to adopt the progressive agenda in order to “go along to get along” and were rewarded with high marks they did not deserve by “teachers” and given pats on the head and told how smart they are. Fuck that, I rarely showed up at school unless there was a cute girl I was interested in or to take tests. I had enough of being manipulated by fucking monsters disguised as teachers by the seventh grade. The principal told my mother that there was no much they could do about my brother and I because we got among the highest grades on tests even though we would have 45 absences in a semester or more.

    They used to have a bumper sticker that said: If you think education is expensive, try ignorance” II made up little stickers that I covered up ignorance with indoctrination and put it over their bumper stickers and that really pissed them off.

    Fuck the bastards

  3. Tell them you’ve always viewed them as garbage people because they continually never fail to affirm that notion.

    I do…and they have no recourse except to be insulted and stomp away, which was the whole plan to begin with.

  4. @JDHasty – where have you been all my life? Your description or yourself is similar to my own, I made a plaque way back in 9th grade shop class that said “Those of you who think you know it all, are very annoying to those of us who do” I have never been able to suffer fools, just don’t have the time to waste.


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