Little boy beat down by Berlin cop for trying to protect his lockdown protesting mom.
— Red Walrus (@_RedWalrus_) August 1, 2021
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Arbeit macht frei…
All under orders from Stasi Ossi Merkel.
Why is everyone so down on police protection
Germans gonna german, I guess…
Maybe there’s something to that “Aryan blood” bullshit, after all?
Merkel should make them (unvaccinated) wear yellow stars.
izlamo delenda est …
Coming to America soon – in fact, it’s probably already here.
The police dilemma: Am I for the people or am I for my paycheck? What do you think?
Nothing to see here. There are no “excessive force” laws for the police in Germany
If it was a white child and woman, cities would burn. The police are lucky that white people are more civilized than the melanated ones.
Oops! I meant if it were a BLACK woman and child. DERP.
I guess Germans should start importing guns from Indiana. That’s where Shitcago gets theirs, right? lol
Once Gestapo, always Gestapo.
[Kung Flu]
Don’t think for one second that the germans have laid down and banished their evil nahzee past. The shittt is generational and as promoted and urged by Merkel the Jerkel as it was in years past. Same with the collaborating dutch.