COVID virtue-signaling absurdity at the local florist – IOTW Report

COVID virtue-signaling absurdity at the local florist

h/t Blink 

American Thinker:

By Geoffrey P. Hunt.
In our down-east Maine county, as of May 1, there have been ten cases of CCP COVID-19, eight recoveries, one hospitalization, zero deaths.

That doesn’t stop the hysteria or the virtue-signaling from local shop-owners, apparently delighted to participate in the Maine governor’s lockdown on civil liberties and free markets.

May 1 is my wedding anniversary, creeping up to a half-century, enabled by love, affection, and endurance.  So a dozen roses were in order.

As I parked in front of the local florist, one of the store employees came out to set down a pickup order on their sidewalk bench.  As I walked toward her, I said, “Hi, I’d like to buy some roses.”  Said she, ” You need to call the store and place your order.”  I replied, “Well you are here, and I am here within talking distance.  Why not order from you?”

15 Comments on COVID virtue-signaling absurdity at the local florist

  1. Here is my rant for the day, already posted in several comment threads on Facebook:
    Just got back from a walk to the coffee shop – where I am allowed to pick up a drink but not allowed to stay and chat with friends.
    I was thinking – in the several thousand years of human civilization there have been hundreds of pandemics. I don’t think there has been a single one prior to this year with the magnitude of forced shutdown, not only that but talk of restaurants never ever allowing people to sit next to each other again, of schools redesigning classrooms for greater separation. Why? I understand that this virus is quite a bit worse than the typical annual flu – but so much that the global economy must be completely recreated? And by governments rather than businessmen, when what made our economy great was the minimal (still far too much) government regulation and taxation? No. No fucking way.
    Open it up!!!

  2. This is a blue state and municipality coup d’etat, engineered via conspiracy, to destroy the economy prior to Trump’s re-election bid. It’s no more complicated than that.

    Wile E. Coyote has failed in the last several attempts and this will fail, as well.

    It hasn’t been Trump that shut the nation down. It was the blue staters. And they couldn’t give a rat’s ass about the suffering they are inflicting upon their constituents as long as they get their power back.

  3. “Why? I understand that this virus is quite a bit worse than the typical annual flu – … ”

    Are you sure about that?

    The reported numbers don’t seem to be indicating it, and we know the numbers have been inflated and maximized to the fullest extent possible to push a (worldwide) political agenda.

    I haven’t seen any major reporting of these numbers, and how they are determined, in comparison to the normal flu’s to show us how much worse it really is. Why?

  4. The idiot left expects to see permanent changes made in the way the flock is managed from here on out. Doubtful any of these “changes” will be Constitutional.

  5. Inslee has shut down WA state until like…August. Four phases. The first phase doesn’t start until May 31. What have we been doing all this time since March then? Each phase lasts 3 weeks. Random reasoning backed up by rambling govspeak.

    We were out yesterday doing yard work (no masks!) and spoke with our very progressive next door neighbor. He is against the lockdown. Mostly because it’s limiting his outdoor hiking and camping adventures. He blames the state, Inslee for the lockdown-not Trump. He even credited Trump for the booming economy and why it’ll roar back. Will he vote for POTUS in November? Unknown. Maybe he’ll just stay home.

  6. I’m so pissed. My Walmart now has mandatory wearing of face mask while shopping. FU. I refuse, so I drove across State lines to shop Free and clear. No problem. It seems many other people did the same thing. This is so stupid. Our County only has 12 people testing positive. 12. What a bunch of BS!

  7. One of my florist customers in the small town of Stevensville, Montana is open but can take orders over the phone and has to call their customers to come and pick it up outside of their floral shop. They have lost 70-80% of their business and Mother’s day which is a week from Sunday will be pretty sparse this year. Many of our other customers are in the same condition, It may be a reduced Mother’s day in sales volume for us this year and it’s normally our busiest time of the year next to Valentine’s Day. And fuck Jay Inslee for what he has done to all the businesses in Wash.state with this unconstitutional lockdown,


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