Covington Kids 2.0 – Jewish High School Students Falsely Accused of Being Bigots – IOTW Report

Covington Kids 2.0 – Jewish High School Students Falsely Accused of Being Bigots

Here we go again.

This pretty much mirrors the Covington Kids fiasco, spurred on by insane SJWs who live to smear. They should be sued out of existence (as if these losers have a pot to piss in), just like in the Covington case.

Also, like in the Covington case, the school administration threw the students and a teacher under the bus.

HT/ Kathy Shaidle

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6 Comments on Covington Kids 2.0 – Jewish High School Students Falsely Accused of Being Bigots

  1. Hate Merchants taking advantage of the mentally disabled teachers so crippled by Politically Correctness they no longer know whether to shit or wind their wristwatch!!
    That’s what happens when you take God, the Pledge of Alligience, and morals out of the system… and then turn them into teachers!
    !!Common Sense, not Common Core!!


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