Cow Turns Comedy Show Into a Hillary Rally – IOTW Report

Cow Turns Comedy Show Into a Hillary Rally

I’m proud to say that Amy Schumer was on my radar back when people would respond to my posts by saying “who’s Amy Schumer?” I can smell a budding political shill with the best of them.

Please, please don’t think you’re being clever or smart by saying “who is Amy Schumer?” in this thread.

10,000 people bought tickets to see her “comedy” in Tampa. That’s who Amy Schumer is. And when 10,000 people are subjected to Hillary propaganda, to the point where she plucks a man from the audience and demands to know why he is supporting Trump, it is important to marginalize this cow with every bit of the vigor she uses to marginalize the hapless Trump voter.

The left talks about how wrong it is to bully. Is this not bullying, to take an amateur, put him onstage in front of thousands and attempt to make him, and other Trump supporters look stupid?

And now that you know who she is there will be no excuse not to turn the channel when you see her, or avoid her movies, or support her in any way whatsoever. If you see her smugly mug on a magazine cover, do what I do, turn it around in the display case.

And no, smarty pants, this post is not promoting her, it is identifying her as a pariah.


Incidentally, hundreds of people walked out after her stupid little stunt.


41 Comments on Cow Turns Comedy Show Into a Hillary Rally

  1. I would like her less if she were skinny..
    Entertainers have become shills for their particular world viewpoint.
    Now she has the hubris to believe that it is the norm.
    Bank your money girl, your type of humor is only funny when delivered by an attractive person.
    You are at 13 minutes..

  2. Sow not cow. Also a relative of chuck Schumer. This pig loves mud and filth just like her uncle. Fatty fat fat fat mcfatty liberal cunt. She wears Hillary’s vagina like a gas mask.

    Whoops wow. I kinda let it go right there.

    Apology from me? No way.

  3. She’s 35 years old and still has ‘baby fat’?

    She isn’t very bright to alienate a large group who may have been throwing money her way buying tickets. Watch her sales tank. She’ll be living in her Uncle Chuckie’s basement soon enough. Has been at 35.

  4. I’ve seen one of her Comedy Channel standup shows.

    Meh. Not funny enough to want to see her again in anything else.

    Easy to add her to The Boycott List.

    BTW, can anyone name a current female standup comic who’s actually funny?

  5. Wish I would be called up on stage by this Hitlery shill. She would never do it again. I would have turned it into a Trump rally and she pull the mic I would just start yelling. “tens of thousands of jobs, women in supervisory roles, people of color running sectors of his business, 90% of his charity donated, great successful children, the only one with experience in the economy, signs the front of pay checks … “

  6. Normally fat chicks her age try and develop a nice personality. That bitch is never getting laid by a man. Just sayen. Just sayen don’t expose those tree trunks she calls legs.

  7. Add her to the list of female comedians that aren’t funny but somehow are labeled as comedians. Whoppi Goldberg, Tina fey, etc. not funny.

    Lucille ball, lily Tomlin, Gilda Radner were funny.

  8. So why is it ok for this corpulent little bitch to discuss her sex life (ugh), her conquests (?), her body parts (in graphic detail), and use foul language in front of 10,000 idiots, but DJT says “pussy” in private, in a supposedly confidential conversation, and HE is the asshole?

  9. Is it me, or do the rest of you think that Amy would have been chosen by Hitler to aid in breeding the Master Race?

    This observation is based entirely on her progressive philosophy, not her appearance (okay, maybe a bit of appearance).

    Ole’ Joe Menegele would be proud to have her around!

  10. What is wrong with people that let a foul mouthed woman like this become famous?

    She puts out nothing but filth and people pay to watch it.

    But those same people are oh so offended by what a man says.

    Lying Hypocrites just like Hi-Liar-y

  11. I won’t lie: I know Amy Schumer is famous. That’s really all I know about her, though. So, maybe, my lack of “enthusiasm” will be forgiven. But, here’s the thing – “Attention advertiser: Amy Schumer’s politicization of the Amy Schumer brand, politicizing your brand, makes it impossible for me to continue to do business with you.” is both honest, and devoid of martyr shields for corporate cogs explaining why sales are down.

  12. @Ricky the Deplorable – actually that would make a great meme!


    The supply of ugly democRat skanks is endless!
    Even the dead ones could phone-it in… like Bella Abzug for instance!
    (she was still alive when Bill was President)

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