UPDATE: The vile Sharia-adherent cowards and trimmers at the Daily Mail have now removed their event photos featuring the blacked-out Muhammad images. I’m glad that I was able to capture the one below before they pulled it.
This is the problem with the West today. This is why the West is in such serious trouble. This is the cowardice and pusillanimity that rule the day. The Daily Mail is generally clueless, but this is much, much worse than that. This only shows the jihadis that violent intimidation works. Threats and murder work. To kowtow to that is the opposite of journalism and what journalism is supposed to be. If there were still a substantial number of free people in Britain, this would be the end of the Daily Mail. It would be losing readers by the thousands. But it won’t be.
I really think you should show us which ones were blacked out, even though any of them that showed in the photo would have been.
Piers Morgan whimpering in the corner.
The one image on the right was of Mohammad with snakes coming out of his head.
Actually they’re both depictions of the Black Hole that islam sucks its followers into!
Hard to believe the West is so easily dhimmified, but there it is in all its emptiness.
The Daily Mail doesn’t want to come up with their own version of a Hedbo line…
Daily Mail, hmm like
Dicks (of) Mohammad
Dick (suckers of) Mohammad.
Exactly right Fur. I refuse to let the animals win.
I wish I was not artistically illiterate – my entry would have been the back end of a pig shitting out a turd with the face of Mohammed with the pig’s face looking back with “Allah Is Satan” on the pig’s forehead. That would pretty much sum up Moslems in a nutshell.
The Daily Mail shows an example of real islamaphobia dhimmitude.