Cowardly House Democrat Throws Staffer Under the Bus for Mean Tweet – IOTW Report

Cowardly House Democrat Throws Staffer Under the Bus for Mean Tweet

First, the offending tweet. Here

Representative Garcia must have sensed possible exposure, so he responded as all cowardly politicos do, he blamed a staffer. Here

7 Comments on Cowardly House Democrat Throws Staffer Under the Bus for Mean Tweet

  1. “You are borderline retarded ya f***ing dips***,” Garcia’s Twitter account responded

    You’d think if the word brought about such pain, the WP would have edited it, too, and printed “re****ed.”

  2. It is simply not believable that the “offensive” tweet (I thought it was funny) was made by somebody on his staff. Dem congressvermin have shown that nobody on the face of the earth has poorer judgment and less self-control, even Dem congressvermins’ staffers. Ergo, Chuy made the post himself, probably while drunk.


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