CPAC Straw Poll Winner – – IOTW Report

CPAC Straw Poll Winner –

14 Comments on CPAC Straw Poll Winner –

  1. I almost went to CPAC …. tickets were ONLY $150 per night for the cheap seats & the cheap rooms were going for $399 a night (& the Marriott down the street was even higher!)

    ….yeah, ….. almost …. lmao

  2. About a month or two ago, between the GOPe, Rush, Levin, Michael Medved, Redeye and all their cronies, I started to detest the word conservative. It means nothing anymore.

    The word needs qualifiers.
    Was Gaddaffi conservative when contrasted to ISIS? Is Putin conservative when contrasted to Stalin? Is Bush conservative when contrasted to Clinton? Is Clinton conservative next to Obama? Mitt Romney? Is he conservative? The Shah of Iran?

    Yep, I hate the word. It’s lost true political meaning and has become dirty.

  3. Whenever you hear anyone spouting off “conservative” ask them what the definition of a conservative is?
    And when people start measuring people’s conservatism you might as well start measuring “hands”.

  4. Plain Jane. Are calling Levin unconservative? Wow! A guy that is a die hard constitutionalist, that calls out the establishment everyday, and written highly informative and conservative books, etc and he isn’t a conservative? I’m so confused.
    You must think Trump is a conservative.

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