Crab Legs Make People Lose Control – IOTW Report

Crab Legs Make People Lose Control

ht/ dee

30 Comments on Crab Legs Make People Lose Control

  1. And look at those scrawny crab legs! If you put those on my plate and served it to me I’d be pissed off. Those EBT carrying parasites, I don’t care if they are white, yellow, red, or black, those crab legs are not worth getting in a fight over. Hell, they should march into the kitchen and kick some ass there.

  2. PJ, those are great, no doubt about it. The best are King Crab, I think, you can get those big leg sections closest to the body and they are bigger than a hot dog. I like the heck out of crab. Back when I was young one of my room mates was a crabber out of Dutch Harbor, damn near cured of crab, but I like it again now.

  3. My Mom and stepfather were over for a visit once and all they could talk about was Golden Coral. I gave in and took them there. As I sat at the table, I watched all the big slobs waddling and hobbling to all the different food stations wiping their noses on their arms and various other nasty human traits. The one thing I noticed was nobody frequenting the salad station. So to make a long story short, I spent about $17 for salad.

  4. Different Tim

    Had a very similar experience with my parents when they got older at “Home Town Buffet”. Are you kidding me? We took them to a very expensive steak house the following week and they bitched about the food non stop. I had an epiphany at that point. It’s not what you’re eating. It’s who your eating with.

  5. Tim, Brad, here is my secret. Move out to the sticks. I’m at least an hour to the closest, decent restaurant. Anything you cook them will be appreciated. Plus it cuts down on return visits.

  6. Joe6 about 10 or so years ago there were some Russian King crab on the market the leg section next to the body were 10 inches long and about the size of a 50 cent coin in width (the meat). QFC was selling them for 12.99 per pound I bought 25 lbs.
    Later that year a whole group went to jail for poaching them out of closed waters. Biggest King crab I have ever seen in Seattle.

  7. Geoff, I remember those. They were awesome! I hadn’t heard about the poaching though. I’ve always wanted to go salmon fishing in Russia too. I’ve heard about 120 pound kings. I don’t want to go to the gulag though.

  8. Joe, I’m seriously considering relocating. Turned 60 at midnight. Thats always been my self appointed slow down date. Now I just have to decide on north or south. I hate the heat. Anything above 80° and I turn into a prick.

  9. Different Tim, Happy Birthday is right! 60 is a good milestone, here I was about to call it a night, I guess one more and a virtual toast is in order. As far as relocating goes, from Northern California to Alaska is where I’ll be calling home. I wouldn’t rule out British Columbia either. Our politics suck but at this point I’ll fight it and hope to win a few battles. Where are you now?

  10. Crab legs, nope, salty and old.
    For crab, give me Atlantic Blues, best in the world for flavor.
    Don’t do buffets, people in general are nasty.
    Last buffet I went to, probably 30 years ago.
    Seated next to a table of P.I.G hogs, the sounds were amazing to hear.
    Bunch of little yard apes running feral free.
    Picking food out of the trays, taking a bite and putting it back.
    They actually turned on the soft serve and ate it out of the spout like a water fountain.
    Cook better than most places can, I like to cook, all the grocery shopping too.
    The wife says cleaning up and doing dishes is a small price to pay.
    Will admit to making a mess, she’s a saint, never complains.


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