Cracks Starting to Show in Psaki’s Facade – IOTW Report

Cracks Starting to Show in Psaki’s Facade

Red State

I can say without equivocation that this has been the worst week of Biden’s presidency, and that’s taking into account the disastrous week of the Afghanistan withdrawal. The sheer amount of faceplanting that has gone on the last three days, covering such a breadth of topics, is impossible to overstate.

In response, Psaki has become more shrill and combative. When someone asked her about the litany of failures piling up and the sense that things aren’t going well, this was her response. More

22 Comments on Cracks Starting to Show in Psaki’s Facade

  1. Kayleigh McEnany had it much tougher.

    The press core had absolutely no grace or class when constantly attacking McEnany. She never lied and was truthful, but Supreme Assholes like Jim Acosta Yelled like petulant daycare children & shouted over her responses to make her look bad.

    The current Fox Corespondent, and others, give Peckermint time to respond a spin her web of shit WITHOUT yelling over her.
    The White House & Biden’s screw ups speak for themselves.
    The Conservatives are allowing her to stuff her foot in her mouth with civil decorum, unlike CNN, MSNBC, abc/cbc/nbc/npr.

    Here’s To McEnany!

  2. Sorta’ want to get a white cableknit turtleneck sweater that says MUTHERFUCKER#2 across the chest.

    Bein’ #2 takes the pressure off….plus people will wonder exactly where MUTHERFUCKER#1 is.

  3. Also Paski is a red diaper doper baby..she does not feel remorse since all her satanic lies are in service to Marxism and Satan.

    We you understand that every single one of these people are satanic demons it all starts to make more sense.

    The other obvious issue is that they are all children. Emotional and intellectual growth terminates at 5 for these idiots.

    The WH as run by 5 year olds explains everything and Petulant Patties snarky responses when cornered by the truth.

    She recoils from truth like the satanic snake she is.

  4. And dipshit didn’t follow up with “What exactly has this White House done over the past year that’s in the least bit rewarding to the American people?”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Hey Chucky’s lil’ sis.
    Since when, aren’t bunny rabbits and ice cream rewarding to Americans?
    You a**holes had a large amount of time when you, with your media lap dogs, were all about the ice cream.
    Personally, I would prefer a lop eared bunny and a big bowl of Butter Pecan, Rocky Road, or Fudge Moose Tracks over any stinking commie dem.


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