Crazy Auntie Maxine: Congress ‘can define what is impeachment’ – IOTW Report

Crazy Auntie Maxine: Congress ‘can define what is impeachment’

American Mirror: “The Amazing Maxine Waters” on Wednesday gave an interview update on her relentless effort to impeach President Trump at the International LGBTQ Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C.

The 79-year-old career politician from California told “Manmade Multimedia” impeachment is “a big idea” that not all of her colleagues are ready to commit to, in part because they “don’t even understand actually what it all means.”

Waters argued that her participation in the impeachment of President Bill Clinton gives her unique experience to head the process, which she insists lawmakers can instigate at any time with or without evidence the president committed a crime.

“I have a great sense of it. I went through the impeachment of Clinton. I served on the Judiciary Committee and I know very well that the Congress of the United States can define what is impeachment and why they want to do it,” Waters said.

“It’s not that there’s any one criminal law or certain criminal laws that have to be in place in order to do impeachment. It’s all defined when the Congress of the United States feels you’ve been dishonorable, that you’ve been harmful in some way, that you’re not good for the country, they can impeach you,” she said. “So I believe he is someone that needs to be impeached.”  read more


17 Comments on Crazy Auntie Maxine: Congress ‘can define what is impeachment’


    When a WHITE MAN is in office, you talk about impeachment.

    Remember when there were rumor of impeaching Obama over releasing Guantanamo terrorists? Where was Maxine?

    That’s right. She didn’t blink an eye because a BLACK MAN was sitting there.

  2. I watched nearly all of the 3.5 hours of the Wray hearing today. I listened to the first three D’s questioning and the theme today was: “Obstruction of Justice” and “Impeachment”. After that it was easy enough to mute each questioner after a Republican questioner (they go R, D, R, D, etc.).

  3. It is this kid of Constitutional ignorant talk that has me cleaning my guns.

    There is a lot of latitude- “High Crimes and misdemeanors” which means if there was a POTUS that refused to stop at stop signs he could be impeached for that but you have to have something. You can’t just make up excrement, I mean, if you do then there is not rule of law and that leads us back to why we have guns and keep them well oiled.

    She is a blithering idiot. And she is one of their top spokes persons. If the GOP can stop playing into their hands and work with Trump we will clean their clocks in ’18.

  4. I seriously think Maxine should go for her gun. Literally.

    Knock yourself out, babe! You can do it! Impeach Trump. Leave no stone unturned.

    Her ultimate humiliating failure will add to her personal undoing, and also that of the Communist/Marxist/Socialist/Democrat party.

  5. Where did they teach you to talk like that, in some Panama City “Sailor wanna hump-hump” bar, or is it getaway day and your last shot at his whiskey? Sell crazy someplace else, we’re all stocked up here. Thank you, Jack Nicholson

  6. The first black president entered this world through the vagina of a white woman.

    [takes Maxine’s race card – rips it to shreds – tosses remnants in her face like Rip Taylor]

  7. She’s absolutely correct.
    The House merely has to consider the President (or any other figure) “unfit” for the duties he’s assumed. “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” is the Constitutional bar – without revealing what those “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” may be.

    With the present state of our “gov’t” nothing should be taken for granted – both parties (different wings of the same nihilistic/totalitarian/socialist/globaloney bird) are seething with rage that their thefts and corruptions should become more widely known and the peons (that’s us) declare “a pox on BOTH your houses!”

    THAT would be unacceptable.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Waters argued that her participation in the impeachment of President Bill Clinton gives her unique experience to head the process, which she insists lawmakers can instigate at any time with or without evidence the president committed a crime.

    Yeah, she participated. She was told “Siddown, shut up and vote against it.”

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