Crazy Broad Rear Ends Lamborghini and Blames the “White Privileged” Guy For Wrecking Her Front End – IOTW Report

Crazy Broad Rear Ends Lamborghini and Blames the “White Privileged” Guy For Wrecking Her Front End

HT/ Woody

33 Comments on Crazy Broad Rear Ends Lamborghini and Blames the “White Privileged” Guy For Wrecking Her Front End

  1. I love how she leaves her car in the middle of the road to help Detective Columbo solve the crime.

    “Ah, just one more question, ma’am…”

    If you can steer it, clear it, heifer.

  2. but this is the entire youth of today….spoiled, stupid, fat, dumb lazy and most of all ALWAYS LOOKING FOR AN EXCUSE OR THE ABILITY BLAME THEIR OWN FAILURES ON SOMEONE ELSE.

  3. It works the other way too.

    Had a girlfriend call me after sitting at a red light and had a guy plow into the back of her car. I looked at the police report and read a half-dozen eye witness accounts of the crash and told her to call my attorney because the guy wasn’t responding to her phone calls and did not provide an accurate insurance policy number.

    No, my friend’s brother just graduated from law school. I’m going to call him.

    A year later she was still going to physical therapy and chiropractor and the guy who ran into her had her insurance pay for damage to his vehicle and cut him a check for $20K

  4. There’s actually an update to this story supported by further video evidence. He sideswiped her and almost ran over a cyclist at the intersection just prior to her rear ending him. He hit her and then she hit him. Both are douche bags. But she is correct when she approaches him and asks about him hitting her prior to this video. He nervously laughs, but she’s absolutely correct. Everything is not as it seems when videos are edited!

  5. Dumber than a box of rocks. If you rear end someone in California you are automatically at fault. If you’re in a chain reaction wreck and rear end someone, you’re still at fault.

  6. That kid MUST have a University Degree in something beyond useless.
    She better get used to taking the bus or having her parents pay her insurance increases for the next 3 years.

  7. Just something I have learned over the years.

    Lamborghini & Ferrari’s are usually owned by the type of people that stiff their trades, suppliers, staff & creditors.

    I use that metric as a means of vetting My customers.

    Range Rover = Supreme Cocksuckers. Supreme.
    AMG = little dicks
    Alfa Romeo = Too stupid to associate with
    BMW = Good, bad, mini douche,
    Lamborghini = Drug Dealer or Baller as per all my copper friends
    Ferrari = new money, no Idea how to drive/what to buy but looks like the driver has knowledge (which he doesn’t
    Audi = Generally seems to be people who know how to drive
    Toyota = Don’t like to loose money
    Honda = Sportier and more driver oriented that Toyota
    Subaru = Boring Book keeper type car
    Volvo = Fuck Off, Just Fuck Off
    Buick = Why the Fuck Bother
    Nissan = Don’t even know it is a French piece of CVT SHIT
    Ford = Only if It’s an F-150
    GMC/Chevy = Gaskets Must Corrode
    Tesla = let’s see if you buy/renew when the lease is up…
    Hyundai/KIA = nothing bad to say/ trying save $$$ honestly
    Dodge = What the Fuck Is Wrong with you?
    Jaguar = Who the fuck owns them this year?
    Mazda = just don’t get the turbo
    Mercedes = real estate agent or delusional that they are superior actual drivers cars.
    Mini = At least it has some personality even if unreliable
    Volkswagen = when can we start experimenting on Humans Again?

    I have a ford and a subaru currently, so have at me…

  8. The first time my dash cam came into use in an accident, the woman started out exactly the same way: “Look what you did to my mirror!” (pointing at her dangling driver’s side mirror)

    My dash cam completely shut down her very practiced lying.

    During our encounter, I felt sorry for her family and anyone that had to work with her. She was used to lying and getting out of responsibility with it. Not this time.

    I bet this girl’s friends and family know all about her ways, too.


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