Crazy Grandpa – IOTW Report

Crazy Grandpa


5 Comments on Crazy Grandpa

  1. Oooohhh, Bernie, I like it how you touch me there!

    Oooohh, Right there, Right THERE, in my WALLET, Bernie! Oooh! YES! Drain my accounts, Bernie! I love your Surcharges and Penalties and your Assessments!

  2. Socialists are, by definition: anti-American, anti-Constitutional, and anti-human.

    They are a greater threat to America than #BLM-type racism, globaloney warming, Caliphate izlam, ISIS, China, Russia, nuclear Iran, and secessionism.

    They should be declared anathema and purged from the body politic and the Earth.

    They have caused more misery, and more human deaths, than all of the wars, crises, natural disasters, suicides, shooting deaths, and stabbing deaths in the history of the world, combined.

    Why we tolerate them is one of the great mysteries of all time.

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