Crazy Lady On MSNBC Thinks They Can Put Either A RINO Or Pelosi In The WH – IOTW Report

Crazy Lady On MSNBC Thinks They Can Put Either A RINO Or Pelosi In The WH


MSNBC contributor and former Watergate prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks on Saturday proposed a deal to allow the GOP to remain in power following the impeachment of both President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.

Wine-Banks, donning a pin of Trump holding his hands up like former President Richard Nixon, suggested a deal that would have Pence impeached first because he has been involved in the same dealings as the president and then Trump could name his replacement or else House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) would become president if he were to refuse. More

9 Comments on Crazy Lady On MSNBC Thinks They Can Put Either A RINO Or Pelosi In The WH

  1. I seem to have misplaced my Drambuie….I’ve checked behind the pickle jars in the fridge. Gonna go check my sock drawer now…either way she makes some sort of point….

  2. What happens when Nan gets Empeached:

    Chuck Grassley
    Mike Pompeo
    Steven Mnuchin
    Mark Esper
    William Barr
    David Bernhardt
    Sonny Perdue
    Wilbur Ross
    Eugene Scalia
    Alex Azar
    Ben Carson
    Elaine Chao
    Rick Perry
    Betsy DeVos
    Robert Wilkie

    whole sea of [R]

  3. The swamp demons know that an impeached Trump will not be convicted by the Senate. So, they are yammering “IMPEACHMENT IMPEACHMENT IMPEACHMENT” nonstop in an attempt to turn the impeachment itself into the punishment. But it’s not, especially with the partisan House rule changes of year. Impeachment today is simply a particularly odious and seditious form of Dem partisan politics as funded and fueled by the non-elected swamp demons.

    All the above is simply to support this plea: Always-always-always correct anybody who says or implies that impeaching a president removes him from office. IT DOES NOT. It is a Senate conviction that does that. Always-always-always be vociferous in pointing that out.

  4. the lunatic liberal left will never take him out. Trump is Gods annointed, appointed to be President until 2024. They will not succeed. In fact, it will be like Hamann vs Mordecai. They are building a gallows for him but in fact will swing on it themselves.


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